Thursday, October 29, 2015

Public Garden @ Suntec City

I have always wanted to experience the craft scene / flea market scene in Singapore but I didnt really have any idea where to start from. Lynn told me to try Public Garden. So I searched it up and found it will be at Suntec. A place that I've been to a few times. Yay me!

It was suppose to be 1pm to 7pm and I was nicely walking around at Suntec Mall. Slowly had my late lunch. By the time I wanna go, I asked thebf wat time is it. It was alre 5.45pm. =.="

And no... There wasn't enough time for me...

And I dont know if this is blessing in disguise... I didnt withdraw any money...

By the time we reached, it was alre 6pm. I only have one hour...

Alive Museum @ Suntec City

Finally i manage to do something tourist-sy. I got the free tickets from my company to go Alive Museum at Suntec City. So, made my way there on one of the Saturdays. 

Yup. the lioness in me... a fierce one.