Saturday, April 5, 2014

Shanghai, China

Last year was Danang, Vietnam. And this year is... SHANGHAI! Well not exactly only Shanghai, we went to a few places in China. 

Well, because it's my first time travelling to a cold country, I seriously didn't know what to pack. So, I was a mess. 

Make up stuffs... 
I didn't bring any foundation or BB cream. So I only brought along with me concealer, loose powder, blusher, eye shadow, eye liner, eye brow pencil, contact lens (which ended up I didn't wear at all), and a brush for the blusher. 

Skin care stuffs...

Everyone kept reminding that it is important to keep hydrated. So I brought along whatever I have that is hydrating. Well, of cos I didn't bring the whole big bottle in the pictures, I packed them in smaller bottles bought from Daiso. 

So I brought, cleanser, toner, moisturizer, night cream, Laneige's water bank night mask, Bio-essense's Bio water, Hydrating sheet masks and last but not least, sun block. 

Laneige's water bank night mask works wonders. With all of the above, I am glad my face was perfectly fine until the day we came back. :D

Bought 2 of these from Uniqlo. It works OK in my opinion... Total, I brought 4 over. :)

All these are what was in my handbag throughout the trip. 

Passport holder, camera, specs box, mobile phone (d-uh), Loose powder, tissue, wet tissue, earphones, mp3, lip balm and my emergency pack (tiger balm and plasters). 

Don't bring only 1 tissue in your bag. Bring at least 3! Er... well... I'm paranoid like that. :S

Well, passport checked, visa checked, everything else checked... OFF WE GO!

AirAsiaX :)

In-flight meals.

The Teriyaki so so only but the Nasi Lemak was awesome! I wish to finish all the sambal but I scared I will need to do a lot of number 2s... 


I don't really remember and some I don't know the location. Mainly because, I don't read chinese and the tour guide speaks too fast until I can't even catch what he said... I do have the list of the places that we went as it was given by the tour agent, just that it was not in order. I will post it at the end of this post... 

The tour guide said that this pond is the first pond the Chinese start rearing fish for leisure and enjoy watching them. 

Look like four leaves clover? 

The amazing part about China is that they have A LOT of toilets everywhere! But the sad part is, there are no toilet papers. That's why I said, bring your own tissuess! There is another sad part. MOST of the doors can't lock. Can't lock, nobody inside nvm. Can't lock and got ppl inside doing business! I pengsan... @.@ 

First dinner in China.

Nope... No picts of the food. Didn't like the food...

Night market. Nothing much here. 

The next morning, while dragging our luggage to the lift to check-out, suddenly my handbag fell... it broke. :( 


This lunch place reminds me a little of the Brazilian grill in Damansara. I was too hungry so I didn't snap any of the grilled stuffs. Got BBQ sweet potato! Food here was OK. 

Oh! I remember this place the most because of the lighting! This is outside of the Suzhou's Bird Nest. The lighting is damn pretty! 

Suzhou Museum. I think... 

Little kids in China damn cute. I just hope they don't end up like the adults. :X

This is some sort like a show they put up for the audience. 

One of the hotel's toilet. Damn canggih. But no wifi. Damn sad! 

This... I've climbed 290 steps! I didn't even climb our very own Batu Caves and I climbed here! To be honest, it's a pretty easy climb. the steps are not too high apart. 

Another night street thingie. It was Women's Day and it was DAMN packed! 



And the next day... in this paper cup is hot chocolate. Probably the most awesome-est hot chocolate I've ever tasted in my entire life. It was thick and smooth! Unlike the ones in KL, so diluted! I will miss u very much, hot chocolate. T.T

We were at the Shanghai Pearl Tower. I almost died. I am afraid of heights. Phobia!!!

That little boy very cute. He tried to go on the glass, and after about 2 to 3 steps out, he will run back in again. LoL... 

Nice statue eh? So romantic.


This is the brothel. No... Not now wan... Ancient. Dunno how many millenniums ago wan... 

This was where the prostitutes bathed...

This was how they do it... Feels like Kamasutra. :P

Got pictures some more... 

Ouh! We were suppose to have dinner at one of the restaurants, but we arrived early. So we hung around at the waiting area. This puppy DAMN CHUBBY and DAMN CUTE! So geram!!! 

Just because I didn't wanna buy it and it's a moo. :P

And... we go home... Love the sky color.
The flight back was horrible. A lot or turbulence. A lot of clouds. So scary, I cried. Seriously! I cried! T.T

When we were flying back, I saw this plane next to us. I hoped that it was MH370 flying back together with us. :'(

Alright... Now the locations... 

Shanghai Trip
Hangzhou - Suzhou - Wuxi - Nanjing - Shanghai - Haining

Places visited (Not in order)
Hang Zhou
- West Lake Xin Tian Di
- Hua Gang Guan Yu

- New Suzhou Museum
- Jinji Lake scenic Area
- Suzhou's Bird Nest
- Li Gong Ti
- Lotus Garden

- Three Kingdoms City 
- Li Hu Garden
- Fisherman Island

- Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall (no pictures taken)
- Ancient Ming City Hall
- Sun Yat Sen Mausoleum
- Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge
- Nanjing Road
- The Bund

- Shanghai Pearl Tower
- Wax Museum
- Chenghuang Temple
- Shanghai Museum
- Shanghai M50 Art District 

- China Leather City
- Yan Guan Ancient Town

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