Friday, January 24, 2014

Seremban Noodle (Loh Shu Fun) @ Pandah Indah, Kuala Lumpur

This is the name of the restaurant. In this restaurant, they have a noodle stall... 

A superbly awesome one. Which is... 


me and bii ordered the Seremban Noodle. Its actually Seremban Lou Shu Fun. They have 1 version. One is the dry version and another is with soup. We waited and the auntie is actually kinda blur. but dun get angry at her ok? her noodle is awesome. and u cannot get angry at her wan, ok? :)

the soup version... 

the soup is similar to pork noodle soup base. the noodle texture is something like the noodle in assam laksa. but better. im a soup person. so anything that has both version, i will definitely choose the soup based version. cos i just love soupy stuffs... 

this... is the dry version. 

the dry version is damn good. im so torn between both of them whether to exchange it with bii or not. hahaha... at the end i didnt exchange with her la. cos i know very well that i will definitely come back for more. hahahha!

the awesome noodle. 

the awesome shredded pork. 

the awesome-est deep fried fish cake! and yes! peanuts!

i cant manage to find the exact address on this restaurant. but then i think it is as Jalan Pandan Indah 4/6. dun be lazy, go search google k? :)

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