Sunday, December 18, 2011

simple update

the previous post is not considered as an update for this blog.

well, at least i myself dont think so.

so sorry for have not been updating this blog.

the previous post was being DEMANDED by ju-lian. haha! im kidding. i forgot what was the conversation with him abt in msn alre. and he just asked me to blog about him. when i told him done, he was like "so fast!" and then said that im like a pimp now. :P

and no, im not lazy!

as for why am i so freaking busy. obviously its my work. recently, lots of havoc happened. whenever i draft my post half way, some shit would happened and i will be busy like i dont need to stop working. really, i think im a workaholic.

how often do i go back to office on my off day to work? but i did that day. cos i know the my colleagues are all tired from the subsea issues. wat subsea? Subsea cables. read it, look at the map and be very confused. haha... cos i dont know anything when i was in the training and even when i was hands on alre, i was at blur...

since im alre talking about how i was at the beginning of the job, after 3 yrs. i'm being promoted. :D erm. did i mention this alre. i think i didnt. too lazy to go through my previous posts...

i wanted to blog about last week! my bday week! and i got no time to re-think wat happened. :(
my memory suckss... sighs...

oh oh... ystd was in hartamas with SC and JY for tarot card reading. quite scary... T.T some good, some bad. and i need to think of who is the mysterious man.

till a better post comes up, ja neh~

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