Saturday, December 31, 2011


was having breakfast with MrV this morning and he asked if i have the habit of having new year resolutions.

before this, i have none. didnt bother to do any. even if there is, it is small kicimiao stuff. maybe thats why it seemed like i do not have any target. hrm...

let's try for 2012 and see how many of them i can achieve at the end of 2012...

1, get a job in SG

2, learn to cook/bake/make something. maggi mee not included.

3, pamper myself more. massages, facials, spas, hair treatments etc etc. ^^

4, repaint my room and re-deco it. unpack all my stuffs... im sleeping in like somewhat a store room. hehe...

5, travel at least once overseas. wherever... just get out of msia.

6, go for health check and see the dentist. i think the last i went to a dentist was in primary school. *hides*

7, get myself a dog. and i wonder what will be my grandma's reaction. :P

8, get either a better laptop or a desktop.

9, be more positive and stop thinking too much nonsensical stuffs.

10, make more time for myself and for MrV. ^^

11, save more marnee! *kachingg~*

12, x'mas eve or NYE bbq at home. may look like "whats the big deal" but to organise it at my own home, is a challenge.

12 months, with 12 items.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Xmas and 2011 recaps

it is xmas eve and i am spending it in the office working midnite shift.

and just 1 more week, we will be entering 2012. and about 3 weeks ago was my birthday. and how samson always tell me :-


how time flies, just early this yr i got myself out from a closeted straight rship away from an asshole. funny how that sounds. i am out and proud when i was dating girls but closeted when dating a guy. and then turns out without realizing, i was the 3rd party.

but its ok, what is lost reminded me i am surrounded with great friends. they constantly kept me occupied so that i wont do silly things. 1 of them uses the same words i scolded her b4 on me. hehe... what goes around comes around. the chain smoking sessions. the comforting words... thank u...

then came the unfateful event. the japan earthquake. the event affects the subsea cables, and i could say it was critical. team leads and team manager having sleepless nights to restore the service. while working all the overtime, i keep following the news online. and i was surprised by how the japanese went through the whole ordeal. and the tweets i came across somehow felt warm and touching.

 was torn between phone and finally got myself my first blackberry all thanks to jessy. ^^

*goes through my blog for interesting stuffs but found out my life is indeed boring. T.T*

ahhh... i was drunk until i didnt lock the door and left my car keys in the car. hahahaa! i still cant believe i did that! i blame on the stupid traffic jam. seriously. i could have reach home earlier and all that wont happen. but then again, if that didnt happen, i wont be able to look back at my blog entries and laugh at myself. haha!

subang empire gallery exploded~ up till now, they said it was not the gas leakage. oh well...

meeting noelle for the 1st time... like finally. =.=" and she is coming again next week, and also in january. wow... january will be packed! haha!

3rd break-in... :( well... nevermind that. *sighs

met someone for the 1st time :P and i just realised he commented one of my post b4. well, that is if it is really him la.

won LCD TV during annual dinner!!! :D :D

ok. i just realised it was not an eventful year. T.T

mayb it was but i forgot to blog about it and now i forgot everything about it. urgh...

may my 2012 be an eventful one! :D

and i MUST hav the blogging habit to remember them!

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year! 

dont be naughty~ *grins*

Friday, December 23, 2011


... to Audrey and Timothy.

Audrey is an average girl whom i know from back in high school. 1st impression back then was she is geeky. yea. thick glasses and all that. from one of the top classes if im not mistaken. not to mention, short. :P she is indeed fourfeetnine. i never knew about them till jessy told me about those cyber world rumor thingie. i never followed tim's blog b4. until i got to know that he is dating someone from my high school. since then, i followed his blog as well.

until recent yrs, we chatted a bit about this girl we used to know back in high school. not a good experience for both of us. but that girl somehow stopped bugging me. hrm... not sure if she still bugs her tho. haha~

throughout the stalking (yes. i call blog readers stalkers. so i am a stalker too, i admit), i find them ridiculously cute together. cute terms of endearment like shorty and wombeh. cute encounters... just cute.

i was going through my twitter that day tim proposed. i seldom go through my twitter and when i saw tweets saying congrats to both of them. i dont know why i got so happy. as if im the one who is getting proposed to. =.="

this is the thing. reading people's blog somehow i feel like, i am following their ups and downs. and to hear this good news, and what more an ex high school mate. im happy for her.

once again, congrats aud and tim. may both of u have another brand new wonderful chapter together.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

simple update

the previous post is not considered as an update for this blog.

well, at least i myself dont think so.

so sorry for have not been updating this blog.

the previous post was being DEMANDED by ju-lian. haha! im kidding. i forgot what was the conversation with him abt in msn alre. and he just asked me to blog about him. when i told him done, he was like "so fast!" and then said that im like a pimp now. :P

and no, im not lazy!

as for why am i so freaking busy. obviously its my work. recently, lots of havoc happened. whenever i draft my post half way, some shit would happened and i will be busy like i dont need to stop working. really, i think im a workaholic.

how often do i go back to office on my off day to work? but i did that day. cos i know the my colleagues are all tired from the subsea issues. wat subsea? Subsea cables. read it, look at the map and be very confused. haha... cos i dont know anything when i was in the training and even when i was hands on alre, i was at blur...

since im alre talking about how i was at the beginning of the job, after 3 yrs. i'm being promoted. :D erm. did i mention this alre. i think i didnt. too lazy to go through my previous posts...

i wanted to blog about last week! my bday week! and i got no time to re-think wat happened. :(
my memory suckss... sighs...

oh oh... ystd was in hartamas with SC and JY for tarot card reading. quite scary... T.T some good, some bad. and i need to think of who is the mysterious man.

till a better post comes up, ja neh~