Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pink dot SG 2011

i like 1:17...

Be there to support
18 June 2011
Hong Lim Park
17:00 SGT

and i cant be there cos i alre got plans months before. :(

Friday, May 27, 2011

a day like this

makes me remember why i love hanging out alone, going out alone, shop alone... just being alone.

i got up very early today and i was hoping to see someone's msg. but i didnt recv any. so i thought mayb she got too tired and slept off alre. and i couldnt sleep anymore, so i planned my day ahead.

i planned to go for gym in the morning at first. but then i was hooked on the lappie chatting. :P
so i end up chatting until her lunch time den i head out.

i havent been sweating this much since god knows when. i went for a full 4km walk. 2km each time. i cant run cos i got HBP and if i run, i probably will end up fainting. but the fast walk was good. then hit on those machines and dumbbells. then went for steam bath. it was a good one and off i go taking a long shower.


here i am, sitting at dome sipping the ever relaxing chamomile tea... and still chatting. :P

Thursday, May 26, 2011


ok la. i failed. after 2 days of not smoking, i actually asked for a cig from my colleague. den from then its like, each day 1 stick... =.="

well, better than 1 box per day rite? and moreover, ppl said cannot stop so sudden wan. *planting excuses*

i still wanna stop! gambate misheru!!

recently my life is just, sleep, work, sleep, work... oh. and eat of cos. damn no life lor. and recently i do not have any inspiration to blog. writer's block? sighs...

oh oh~ finally the unifi is installed! and i am super impressed with the speed! and also their service. my aunt's lappie was having issues so i called and seek for assistance to troubleshoot. that guy damn patient lor. and i forgot to ask for name. =.="

as noob as i may sound, i never use bitcomet before. and i have no idea how it works. no idea where to find seeds... ystd, giap gave me a seed to download. that madness bluray file. can u imagine the size?! i left it overnite and it was 64% this morning when i check. :P

ok. no more crap. no inspiration until i need to blog about crap. bleh...

Friday, May 20, 2011


... is all i need now.

it's funny how i dont have the urge to smoke when i lock myself at home but when im out with frens or colleagues and watching them smoke is like... argh~!!

"eh. i take one ah..." naturally comes out from my mouth...

so, i have decided. i shall stop smoking from today onwards...!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pink - Fuckin' Perfect

Made a wrong turn, once or twice.
Dug my way out, blood and fire.
Bad decisions, that's alright.
Welcome to my silly life.
Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood.
Miss 'No way, it's all good', it didn't slow me down.
Mistaken, always second guessing, underestimated.
Look, I'm still around.

Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than fuckin' perfect.
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel like you're nothing,
You're fuckin' perfect to me

You're so mean when you talk about yourself; you were wrong.
Change the voices in your head; make them like you instead.
So complicated, look happy, you'll make it
Filled with so much hatred, such a tired game.
It's enough; I've done all I can think of.
Chased down all my demons, I've seen you do the same.

Woah ohh, pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than fuckin' perfect.
Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel like you're nothing,

You're fuckin' perfect to me.

The whole world's scared so I swallow the fear.
The only thing I should be drinking is an ice cold beer.
So cool in line, and we try try try, but we try too hard and it's a waste of my time.
Done looking for the critics, cause they're everywhere.
They dont like my jeans; they don't get my hair.
Exchange ourselves, and we do it all the time.
Why do we do that? Why do I do that?

Why do I do that?

Yeah, oh, oh baby, pretty baby
Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than fuckin' perfect.
Pretty,pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing, you're fuckin' perfect to me, yeahhh.
You're perfect, you're perfect
Ohh pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothin' you're fuckin' perfect to me.

i lurve newbox

plainly bcos i love the fantastic service there.

despite the not-so-satisfying sound system there, i still love going there cos their staffs are super friendly and even how bad the sound system turns out, it doesnt matter anymore cos afterall, it is the company that matters.

went for a k session with jessi the other day. we were singing half way and we suddenly felt like drinking beer. we dont usually order beer when we sing k. just the complimentary drinks and thats it. but that day, of all sudden butt itchy. haha~ i noticed they have this promo of either order 2 buckets or 8 glasses to get a free heineken cap. i like the cap. and best of all, its in white! so i went out to look for the waiter.

we initially wanted the 8 glasses but they said they dun serve glasses, they only serve bottles. i told them we cant finish it so can we keep it there for the next session. he said cannot. but we are allowed to bring the bottles home.

so i told them to check if they still have the white cap. if they dont have the white cap, den i dun wan the 2 buckets. the waiter jokingly replied me, no cap den 1 bucket la. =.=" i insisted dun wannn!!! no cap no buckets! :P

and 2 buckets with 1 white heineken cap... :P

obviously we cant finish the 2 buckets...

when i was about to go out of the room to ask for plastic bag to dapao, the waiter came in and asked if we needed plastic bag. and mind you, we havent even ask them for plastic bag... he gave me one and we placed 6 bottles in it. it was rather heavy, so we thought of getting 1 more plastic bag just in case. again, when we were about to leave the room, another waiter came in and asked if it is too heavy and if we want more plastic bag... and he gave additional 2 plastic bag...

i was very surprised with their service. and u cant find these service in neway or redbox. and to be precise, the one we went to is in USJ19.


Newbox KTV

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


i need it.

in fact, there's 2 coming up. and i know it will turn out to be great!


Jamie Foxx - Fly Love

Wasn´t really thinking, wasn´t looking , wasn´t searching for an answer
In the moonlight
When I saw your face

Saw you looking at me, saw you peeking out from under moon beams
Through the palm trees
Swaying in the breeze

I know I´m feeling so much more than ever before
And so I´m giving more to you than I thought I could do

Don´t know how it happened, don´t know why but you don´t really need a reason
When the stars shine
Just to fall in love

Made to love each other, made to be together for a life time
In the sunshine
Flying in the sky

I know I´m feeling so much more than ever before
And so I´m giving more to you than I thought I could do

Oh Yeah...

Now I know love is real
So it's sky high, as the angels try
Letting you and I
Fly love

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Taiji Eatery Dim Sum, Bandar Puteri Puchong

had the sudden urge to have dimsum. finished my midnite shift and fetched ariel and jimmy and picked jessi up. we went to the one jessi recommended but it was damn full and i was mad hungry to we went bandar puteri and did some rounding. we stopped at Taiji Eatery. a very random stop.

i forgot to snap a pict of this at the beginning. this is damn nice and fresh.

deep fried carrot cake. yums~ ^^V

my favourite! damn nice! :D

nice nice~

the overall dim sum experience was not bad. the food is quite nice and fresh. not the chee cheong fun tho. it's tasteless.

happy nom-ing~

El Cerdo, Changkat Bukit Bintang

no special occasion. we just decided to head for something different for dinner.

El Cerdo is a restaurant specializing in pork dishes from around the world.

bread with 'i-dont-know-what' but it is yummy! its some sort like butter. but doesnt taste like butter. heh...

sangria pear

sausage platter so that we can all share. sharing is caring mar. :)

i can tell u that i am not a big fan for oysters, mayb bcos i ate those not fresh ones. but these oysters are damn fresh and yummy!!!

Asparagus Serrano
i like how the smoked bacon taste. and when it is wrapped with asparagus, it matches well and taste damn nice.

iberico ribs
omg... can i say that again? OMG!
this is very nice. the spice they spread on its something like chili powder, but better. much better. once u place it in your mouth, u can feel the orgasmic feeling!

Seafood Paella
or shall i call it seafood fried rice?
the shrimps and scallops are amazingly fresh. i didnt like the rice tho. i dont know why it seems like... it taste weird. and its just me. my colleagues loved it...

*squeeze squeeze*

scallop~ ^^V

German Crispy Knuckle
the layer of oh-so-juicy fats. and the meat is oh-so-tenderly yummy... oh my... *salivates*

the after math. :P

the total bill adds up to rm702.40.
and i realised i forgot to snap lela's sangria rose. :(

after meal drink. :P

i iz sick...



its either i do not have enough rest for my morning shifts (hate morning shifts), or less water consumption (if u call 1 liter x 3 in office excluding the drinks i drink after office hours is little), or too much alcohol (erm... once or twice a week? *shy*).

and guess what, the last time i had fever was only end of march. and now is only beginning of may! woohoo! not even 2 months!

does completing the antibiotic really helps? the previous time i didnt complete it. but thinking to complete it this time. so, seriously, does it help?


i hate flu. i hate flu more than coughing. i know i will irritate the shit out of most ppl by coughing bcos it'll be damn noisy and disgusting (well, i am disgusted with ppl who cough like mad) but heck. i dont care, cos if flu, i will have hard time sleeping. not to say coughing makes me sleep well but still better than flu. and plus, flu causes nose block. hate them!!

i know. me being sick makes me typing cock and bull stories. but again, i dont care. cos i am in need to kill some time till my meds kick in so that i can sleep like a baby.

oh med, when r u kicking in?

initially i was only having coughs. and sore throat. boy, my throat really hurts like someone just threw a piece of burning charcoal down my throat! but didnt know i will end up with fever. but i only saw the dr when i was coughing... so i only have cough syrup with me. no meds for fever. sighs... but i guess its ok. if i am still sick, i shall just go c dr again and get another MC.

*sings~* i just need somebody to loveee~~~

no, i dun like the butch boy. if he is a butch, she'll be grabbing lotsa lesbian's attention...

but yea. i just need somebody to love.

2 things i cant wait any longer

1 - A Famosa
2 - Cherating


i noticed i used a lot of 'but's in this post. hrmm...

ok, my brain's blocked and the med finally kicks in.

good nite.

*sleeps like a baby*

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fatty Crab Restaurant, Taman Megah

due to jimmy's confirmation on his position in our company, he decides to treat us crab!
i noticed that recently its been crab crab crab crab... crap. damn high cholesterol liao!
he suggested Fatty Crab (Fei Lou Hai) Restaurant in Taman Megah.

i arrived early with jessi and we were waiting for the rest to arrive. thanks to the ever dependable GPS, they got to the wrong way and stuck in the massive jam. causing jess, samson, jimmy and nicholas to starve. so me and jessi went ahead and ordered and by the time they arrive, the food will arrive right on time. isaac and his gf arrived not long later.

the moment chicken wing arrived, we kept nom-ing non-stop. the chicken wing is definitely a must order. luckily we just sat behind it so when we wanna order more, i just walk to them and request. chicken wing is best ordered when everyone arrives as they have fried and leave aside. it is cleared so fast that even they leave aside, when they serve, it is still hot and yummilicious.

the famous chili crab. it is definitely nice and spicy. different from the usual chili crab that i've tried b4. its just too bad they dont have deep fried man tou. but they have roti bakar instead.

garlic fried prawn. i like the taste of it and the prawn is fresh!

fried rice.

steamed fish teo chew style.
my fav part of this dish is, the soup is damn sourish!! :D

after we have finished all the dishes, guys being guys, they complained its not enough and they ordered more chicken wings and more crab!

but this time...

its steamed crab! i like this more than the chili crab. you can taste the sweetness of the crab! *thumbs up*

samson showing off his chicken, jimmy getting ready to charge for food and nicholas... i think he saw hot chiq.

Address :-
No 2, Jln SS 24/13 , Taman Megah, Petaling Jaya
47301 Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sea-Sky Restaurant, Port Klang

was being 'kidnapped' by my beloved team leaders to have dinner in a far away land. port klang. luckily i have yvonne with me, if not, i'll be crying while driving looking for directions. T.T

the team leads were already there while me and yvonne keep looking for directions. we eventually arrived at, i think... 8pm. :P
damn mm hou yi si for them to wait. some more one of the team lead's gf's parents were there oso... =.=
dont ask me why...

the environment was not bad. very windy. we took a seat nearer to the sea. and we proceed with ordering.

and how can we not order this? green beer. apparently is it very nice. and it is sweet! i like. :D

siong tong lala.
not bad. the soup is not as good as i was expecting. lala was damn fresh tho.

my mama say eat rice must have vege. so we ordered vege...

ham dan sotong...
recommended~ *thumbs up*

fried bee hoon with crabbie...

jiu yim lai liu ha. *mantis prawn*
to be honest, this is the 1st time i eat lai liu ha. they said shudn't hav cut it cos it will be easier to eat. and it tasted damn yummy!

kam heong crabbie...
i love love love the kam heong. very nice! or i am a sucker for crabs. i dont know. but i definitely love this a lot. :D

overall, i love the environment cos there was no crowd at all. i think it is too deep in, thats why. the food wise, its nice. but not till the extend i will travel back for the sake of their food...