Sunday, May 8, 2011

El Cerdo, Changkat Bukit Bintang

no special occasion. we just decided to head for something different for dinner.

El Cerdo is a restaurant specializing in pork dishes from around the world.

bread with 'i-dont-know-what' but it is yummy! its some sort like butter. but doesnt taste like butter. heh...

sangria pear

sausage platter so that we can all share. sharing is caring mar. :)

i can tell u that i am not a big fan for oysters, mayb bcos i ate those not fresh ones. but these oysters are damn fresh and yummy!!!

Asparagus Serrano
i like how the smoked bacon taste. and when it is wrapped with asparagus, it matches well and taste damn nice.

iberico ribs
omg... can i say that again? OMG!
this is very nice. the spice they spread on its something like chili powder, but better. much better. once u place it in your mouth, u can feel the orgasmic feeling!

Seafood Paella
or shall i call it seafood fried rice?
the shrimps and scallops are amazingly fresh. i didnt like the rice tho. i dont know why it seems like... it taste weird. and its just me. my colleagues loved it...

*squeeze squeeze*

scallop~ ^^V

German Crispy Knuckle
the layer of oh-so-juicy fats. and the meat is oh-so-tenderly yummy... oh my... *salivates*

the after math. :P

the total bill adds up to rm702.40.
and i realised i forgot to snap lela's sangria rose. :(

after meal drink. :P

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