Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Time for Vava's update - Vrroooommmm~

my lil vava has been pretty noisy lately.

at the beginning, i didnt like it. but then, after the 1st week... i love it! to the max! super love the pick up speed! :D

vava to be lifted up soon...

it was a sunday morning when i meet up with jim and headed towards ampang to get our exhaust piping changed. it was a SUNday and i am pretty mang zhang d.

jim have to change his cos he is the team's flame thrower and he just got his myvi.

front bumper removed to change the extractor...

pretty interesting spending time at the workshop. :P

new extractor :D

chopping the old piping...

bye bye milo tin. :D

bending the new pipe...

new exhaust piping. twisted bullet thanks to lawrencez... :D


w00t w00t~
thanks to lawrencez again for selling it to me at cheap price! :D

♥ my vava~

after i got the exhaust done, i rushed to subang to check on the renovation. and needed to fly to ikea to do some shopping. i already told the ladies in the house (mom, aunt and grandma) not to use my car to go ikea cos it is damn noisy now. they said its ok. upon reaching ikea, aunt was having massive headache. lol!!

while heading back to subang, it wasnt that jam so i stepped on the accelerator, which will cause more noise. grandma finally heard! "wa... siao poh installed vroom vroom?" hahahahahaa!!

when reached back in subang, mom and aunt asked me to change back cos really macam malay cars. =.=

i am now being called as ah beng by jessi... yea. not ah lian. but ah beng. :P

few weeks later, i got anson to change my car player and speakers. and also the tweeters.

new player... new speakers... and yes. new lights. can count got berapa kaki bulu d. :P

got anson to add some lights too. ^^

a camwhore pict of myself before ppl start to think that this is a guy's blog. hehe...

1 comment:

Vi said...

wow.. u did spent alot to ur vava~