Wednesday, March 2, 2011

1st PDRM saman


ystd after work i went over to anson's place. lawrence said they were doing something and when i asked what. they asked me to go over and check it out.

i went... and it was regarding flame throwing again. which the effect is damn nice i must say. and it is slowly poisoning me. :P

anyhows, after the modification is done, we headed to kk118 food court for drinks and supper. on our way there, we didnt realise that traffic light has camera to capture cars who went over red lights. they sped through the red lights and lots of flashes happened. and all their cars kena. i didnt cos i wasnt driving. :P

so today, out of curiousity. i went ahead and check if i have any summons.

POLIS: WSD6xx7 Saman 1 21/10/2010 11:28:00 AM KUALA LUMPUR PANDU LAJU RM 300

when i checked my schedule. it was clear that i was on the way to work cos my shift starts at 12:30pm. but... to be flying car at 11:28am for 12:30pm shift... something is not right...

i checked my previous posts and found out that...
it was a jusco member's day on 20th and 21st. and i was flying car like mad cos i know that parkings are sure being taken up by kiasu aunties... T.T

then i realised there is this discounted rate to clear off summons and it is due on 10 mar (extended)... so i quickly clear the summon...

and i am now rm152 poorer...

1 comment:

Big Cow said...

I cannot log in to myeg :( maybe will try again tomolo :-)