Saturday, January 15, 2011

happy or scary?

... or creepy?

i was working midnite shift this week, and when i saw an email from my team lead saying that he received a parcel on my behalf, i was surprised and curious. i obviously didnt know what is it and part of me was freaking out, scared that banks are sending letters to my office now?? o.O

so in the morning when team lead passed me the parcel, i saw the address was from pro-eyes, subang parade.

the exact place where i bought my specs last year. so at first i thought, what? belated xmas present?

but no...

as i opened the gdex plastic, and i saw this cute piggie box.

and when i opened the box, i saw the same box as my specs.

i was still thinking that perhaps it was complimentary from pro-eyes giving me the box? well, i cant help it. the box is nice and solid. it could be complimentary wat... :X

but no...

when i opened the box, the same leather specky case...

again i thought. ok... maybe it is still a complimentary specky casing? cos when i took the case and opened it, it was empty. and the casing is nice! leather lehhh...

but still... no...

i reached the green cloth below the casing... it was a spectacles. the exact same design i had and lost.

and... the specs is not cheap. so, it finally struck me. this is impossible be complimentary by pro-eyes anymore.

i freaked out.

along with the box, there's an envelope. and in the envelope, there's this 'letter'. or shall i say more surprise to freak me out...

it reads :-

i dont know who this person is, obviously. but this person sure did read my twits and blog. bcos from the last line in the letter telling me to drive safe. i remember i twit before saying that i drove like a blind fuck but its ok. i just ran through a few holes... and of cos, my blog post about me losing my specs...

so, tell me. happy? scary? creepy?

i sure do love surprises but this?? this is freaking me out...

to whoever it is, thanks a lot. but it is really creepy. thanks for scaring me. i would not use the specs until u reveal yourself.

this... is not a nice feeling at all!! ~~>.<~~


Jason said...

so sweet~

Shia Lynn Artsy Craftsy said...

woman, its probably someone you have been going out with la! hehehehh

BlurCo said...

Jason, sweet? scary lorr!!

Lynn, nope. i found out who alre. its not someone i have been going out with. i was someone i was with before. =.=