Wednesday, January 12, 2011

3 years of bad luck

am i having it now?

a friend of mine told me before, that everyone of us would go through at least 3 years of bad luck. or was is 7? i forgot. but 3 years is enough for me.

i am finally being struck with financial issues. till the extend of not eating sometimes. i hope i still can manage.

its been 3 months now. 3 months of not staying in subang. 3 months of staying in a rented apartment. 3 months of renovation. dont ask me what took so long. even i've been asking and i have no idea what took so long...

and it cant even be ready for chinese new year...

recently, i noticed i've been shying away from people again. 1 is bcos im too lazy to wear my mask on. 2 is im too lazy to banter with ppl. 3 is im too lazy to listen people's advise. 4 is im too lazy to look at people and say 'hey. im doing great!'. 5 is me being broke.

why whenever people asking how am i, i would always answer 'im doing great'? i always believe whenever u do positive stuffs, it will attract positive aura to yourself. so if i were to say 'im doing great', it will slowly attract positive aura, and your day would be great.

too positive huh? i know. but my life is so fucked up, that i need at least do something to balance it a lil.

gosh... my rantings all tak tentu arah already.

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