Thursday, July 29, 2010

simply ridiculous...

this happened to a colleague of mine which i find it really ridiculous that i really need to blog this out.

she failed for her on-the-road test about 2 weeks ago and have not arrange for a retake yet as our leaves are put on freeze due to shortage of manpower.

and yesterday, she received a text msg from the guy from the academy asking her to go for the exam tmrw. she of cos say she cant go for it cos she cant even take leave for the exam. but to much horror, the fella actually said that if she cant make it she have to pay rm160 for the booking fee. so meaning... if she didnt go for the exam tmrw, she will need to pay rm160. den if she finally arrange on when to go, she have to pay another rm160. for god's sake, she didnt even say she wanna go for tmrw's exam.

ridiculous or not? got such thing??


jfook said...

I never heard got booking fee before.

Ken Wooi said...

huh is there such thing? im not sure.. =/

suhaisweet said...

Nice entry friend...visit my latest entry today..;D

BlurCo said...

jfook, ya lor. i oso never heard b4. :(

ken, i never heard b4. this is the 1st time i heard about it. really zha dou...