Tuesday, July 6, 2010

i iz moo

Oh Hai!

Lemme intro me self.

Me iz Moo. Me iz a special creation by Ms Yan Yan. Me iz adopted by Lilmsthong.

When me leave Yan Yan, me haz to leave me fwenz toooh...

Oh... Lemme show yuu me fwenz.

Diz is DingDong... A lot human call him Doraemon toooh.

Diz iz Blackie Miao.

Diz iz Monkie and Monkie gf. They iz very loving. They iz on holidae when me iz go to Lilmsthong's hauz.

When me iz at Yan Yan's hauz, she make bachang for us. Iz veri nais... ^^

Nao me iz with Lilmsthong. Me iz happie... ^^

If u think me and me fwenz iz kiut, pliz visit Ms Yan Yan's website and adopt them! ^^

P/s : Andrin, thank you very much for the moomoo~ ^^ Gambateh!

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