Sunday, April 25, 2010

黃小琥 / Huang Xiao Hu - 沒那麼簡單 / Mei Na Me Jian Dan

没那么简单 就能找到 聊得来的伴
mei na me jian dan jiu neng zhao dao liao de lai de ban
you qi shi zai
kan guo le na me duo de bei pan
zong shi bu an
zhi hao qiang han
shei mou sha le wo de lang man

mei na me jian dan
jiu neng qu ai
bie de quan bu kan
bian de shi ji
ye xu hao ye xu huai ge yi ban
不爱孤单 一久也习惯
bu ai gu dan yi jiu ye xi guan
bu yong dan xin shei
ye bu yong bei shei guan

gan jue kuai le jiu mang dong mang xi
gan jue lei le jiu fang kong zi ji
别人说的话 随便听一听
bie ren shuo de hua sui bian ting yi ting
zi ji zuo jue ding
bu xiang yong you tai duo qing xu
yi bei hong jiu pei dian ying
在周末晚上 关上了手机
zai zhou mo wan shang guan shang le shou ji
shu fu wo zai sha fa li

xiang ai mei you na me rong yi
mei ge ren you ta de pi qi
guo le ai zuo meng de nian ji
hong hong lie lie bu ru ping jing
xing fu mei you na me rong yi
cai hui te bie rang ren zhao mi
shen me dou bu dong de nian ji
曾经最掏心 所以最开心 曾经
ceng jing zui tao xin suo yi zui kai xin ceng jing

没那么简单 就能去爱
mei na me jian dan jiu neng qu ai
bie de quan bu kan
变得实际 也许好也许坏各一 半
bian de shi ji ye xu hao ye xu huai ge yi ban

不爱孤单 一久也习惯
bu ai gu dan yi jiu ye xi guan
bu yong dan xin shei
ye bu yong bei shei guan

gan jue kuai le jiu mang dong mang xi
gan jue lei le jiu fang kong zi ji
bie ren shuo de hua
随便听一听 自己作决定
sui bian ting yi ting zi ji zuo jue ding
bu xiang yong you tai duo qing xu
yi bei hong jiu pei dian ying
在周末晚上 关上了手机
zai zhou mo wan shang guan shang le shou ji
舒 服窝在沙发里
shu fu wo zai sha fa li

Repeat Chorus X2

xiang nian zui shang xin
但却最动心 的记忆
dan que zui dong xin de ji yi

Source : here

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ruby's Resort, Cherating. Part 3/3

finally... the 3rd day... check-out day.

bcos we slept late the previous nite, we woke up at about 11am, to clean up and pack. by the time we load the stuffs in the car and check out, its already 12pm. lunch time and we're starving...

drove out to hai peng again to have the nasi lemak, but habis d. :( so have to settle for the fried bee hoon. also ordered tuna sandwich and frech toast. the tuna sandwich is fabulous. spicy wan. but too spicy for me. T.T ohh... and they coffee is marvelous oso. ahhh!! coffee!! *will head for coffee after this post. muahahahaha... *

on the way to hai peng, i think i wanted to get my phone from my bag and to my surprise... the room key is still in my bag. :P but we are hungry, so hungry can makan a cow already... so we decided to makan 1st den oni head back to ruby's.

throughout the whole vacation, my phone was on silent. so when i checked my phone, there's 2 missed calls from auntie ruby. hehe...

so after lunch, we headed back to ruby's to pass back the keys. on the way back, bigcow wanted to buy her keropok lekor and satar. FINALLY she manage to buy them! while bigcow was out to buy her lekor, i was in the car checking twitter and ruby called... asking why i take her keys. lol...

we didnt leave immediately after passing back to her the keys. bigcow played with stout a while and i was outside sitting with auntie suzi and tanti.

we left at about 3pm and drove all the way back to KL. stopped a while in kuantan to buy ikan bilis, then stopped a while at termeloh for toilet break. and that's it. once we arrived gombak, it was jammed up like mad. headed to e@curve for dinner... and when we reached home, carried those stuffs and climbed 3 floors up. and done some unpacking and washed the clothes.

== Ruby's Resort ==
when i 1st arrived at ruby's, im amazed by the clean beach. also amazed by ruby's sense of humour when we checked-in.
"my security told me someone is here at 6am, i tell them lock the door" =.=
and indeed, the door IS locked when we went back to get our car out for breakfast after sunrise watching.
the food was great, and the nescafe is excellent with lotsa milk, the way i liked it. just that the food there is... a lil tad wee bit expensive lor. :X
at 1st i wasnt keen about the trip cos i was afraid the room conditions will be terrible, like my previous experience to pulau kapas. pulau kapas room was horrible and it is not at all comfortable, and the toilet is disgusting!
but at ruby's, the room is very comfortable, i love love love the pillows cos it is ultra comfy for me. the toilet is clean. well, dont expect 5 star of cos, but for me, it is clean enough to feel comfortable. oh... and the water pressure is very powderful! :D
the staffs are all as wacky as ruby. very frenly bunch of people. it doesnt matter if u have no pets and u just wan a place to relax. me and bigcow is planning on the next trip to ruby's alre. :D

Ruby's Resort Information
Ruby's Resort Website

Lot 350, Jalan Kemaman,
Kg. Chendor,
Cherating, 26080,
Pahang, Malaysia.

GPS coordinates
N 4° 8.953
E 103° 24.507

Phone Number
+60 9 – 8527 221

Ruby’s Mobile Number
+60 16 – 360 0009

== ^^ ==

guess where and when is our next trip? :D

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ruby's Resort, Cherating. Part 2/3

Bigcow woke up earlier than me for the sun. she wants to be tanned. and i do not wanna be tanned so i hid in the room and continue sleep. :P
at about 10 something bigcow came back to the room and woke me up for breakfast. breakfast being prepared is 2 toasted bread with scramble eggs. yums~

after breakfast, we walked around the resort and also went to the souvenier shop. finally manage to see some of suzi chua's artwork.

the souvenier shop

our room neighbour ajak us to join her for lunch. at first we wanted to head to hai peng for their coffee but it was closed so we ended up at stevens. yea. i kid u not. there is a steven's there...

see. i told u so. :P

the interior was not bad. very cosy.

food was not so bad. just a little bit salty.

mee goreng...

salty salty... T.T

after lunch, we headed back to the resort and snapped a few more pictures around the resort...

the walk way to the rooms...

no smoking is allowed in the room, but there is plenty of nice places to smoke at...

can squeeze 8 ppl here to smoke. :D

love the flower. so naiss~

the cafe. the food is damn nice!

the lounge they prepared for saturday nite's bbq. too bad me and big cow need to leave on saturday.

hammock for 2. :P i dont dare to go up.

the 1st half stretch of the resort.

the tree haus. got swing some more... ^^

the tree haus was completed only recent yrs by ruby's staffs...

as i have mentioned the resort it's actually a pet friendly resort, how can u not have pets right?

goose and ducks and chickens.

no. ruby dont put her pets in the pot. :D

tohtis... spot the huge ones on the left. damn big...

this is the ever handsome Stout. the black lab. his coat is so shinny! and that's auntie ruby on the right.

stout was out with the guest to the beach. after soaking himself in the sea water and play around at the beach, he came back and sat quietly near the place he is suppose to take his bath. waits for auntie ruby to come and bath him clean. sooo guaiiiii...

ruby has 6 cats. and also few rabbits roaming freely around the resort.

after snapping pictures around the resort, we had another bottle of beer before having shower and have dinner at the resort. i ordered beef fried rice and bigcow ordered tomyam fried rice. it was really yummylicious.

no more pictures cos i forgot to bring my camera out. T.T
after dinner we head to cherating lama to watch fireflies. this is my 2nd time watching fireflies. the 1st was at kuala selangor. and both experience, i always got this picture playing in my mind. the river was so damn dark, what if... what if... a huge ass croc came up and eat us all?! and worst of all... i cant swim! sure die. T.T never kena eat oso, sure drown and die.

firefly watching was nice. like christmas tree. tho kuala selangor has more fireflies but the cherating ones, they actually lure those fireflies to the boat and u can catch them in your hand. but dont la catch them like how u kill mokitos. =.=

once we got out from the boat, there's this guy saying got penyu laying eggs. i never see before so i wanna go. i dont know why i hesitated a bit at first but go ahead anyways cos i really wanna see!

so we drove following the car all the way to pantai mak nik (if i am not mistaken).

when we left our cars and headed down the beach, we thought it was just at the beach, but no... we have to walk damn bloody far, even climbed rocks and walk some more, on sand! on soft smooth silky sand!! and some more so damn dark. i dont mind if the beach is clean and walk in the dark, but when i used my mobile phone's light, there's a toy car's wheel on the beach. wtf.

when we reached there, the turtle was looking for her spot to lay her eggs so we went ahead to release the baby turtles. so damn cute!

honestly, after all the sand walking, rock climbing, sweating with whole body so sticky, i really got no mood to watch the turtle anymore. so when the guy announced we can go watch alre, i went. watch 1 egg dropped, den i leave. cos everyone was pushing alre. really really wtf.

then, same route back to the car. the walking, and climbing. =.=

our initial plan was, done with firefly, go back to resort and chill. but me never see turtle lay eggs before wanna go see ended up a disaster.

so after all that, we stopped at esso to buy COLD drinks. i accidently bought vanilla coke, and my god. vanilla coke never taste that fantastic!!

when we reached back to the resort, our room neighbour walked up to us and asked "are u feeling lucky tonight?". it turns out that, there's a turtle right on front of the resort looking for spot to lay eggs. really wtf lor. sighs. although need to pay another sum of money. but this time, the experience is better. sitting on the cooling sand, looking at the stars, chatting under the stars, while waiting for the turtle to lay eggs.

once we reached the resort, we headed for shower. we washed our hair bcos we sweat way too much already. so after shower, we went to the balcony and drank beer, munching on snacks and smoke.

headed back to bed at about 4am.

day 2 was overall great until the bloody rock climbing part. and lesson i learnt, when i hesitated... continue to hesitate. bcos when i start hesitate, something awful is gonna happen. :D

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ruby's Resort, Cherating. Part 1/3

ayam iz beg frm cherating! miss me? :P

welp... to be honest... we didnt go 1st thing in the morning. we decided to go on that night itself.

so we went home, packed, and leave. that was about 2am. we stopped a few times for petrol for my vava, ice for the cooler box, masam and kopiko for the driver. by the time we're done with midnite shopping, we started our journey at about 2.30am. i started driving 1st and bigcow took short naps on the way there.

until termeloh, we change. i slept and she drove... ^^

by the time we arrived at ruby's resort, it was...

sunrised already!

we arrived at about 7 something. and the 1st thing we did was to go to the beach 1st. it was so damn cold that i still need to wrap myself with shawl!

ruby's resort

this is the view of the resort from the beach. it was so early, that i think no one has waken up yet. so we just hang around the beach.

left side of the beach...

right side of the beach...

pwetty tiny little flowers on the beach~

saja mau konon artistic... :P

the sun is hiding behind the clouds~

but not for long. mr sun is coming out soon~

hmmm~ all out~ ^^

big cow manage to do a little bit of sun tan while i was sitting under the tree still wrapped in the shawl. coldddd~~

then bigcow brought me to this place and have breaky...

kedai kopi hai peng

the nasi lemak damn nice~ and the fried mee hoon oso nice~ ^^ after having breaky and smoke... we headed back to the resort hoping that it is open for check-in.

it was about 10am when we arrived to the resort again and yes, ruby was willing to check us in. ^^

we stayed in angsana. which has a queen sized bed, a wardrobe, air conditioned...

TV, coffee, water heater, 2 complimentary mineral water, and fan if u r too cold or dont like air cond. behind that door is the toilet with water heater shower and a place for u to hang your towels.

overall, very nice room. it is no 5 star room of cos but it is very cosy and it is very very sufficient for those who just wants a get-away. oh... and i love the pillows! very comfy pillows~~ :D

after checking in, we straight away hopped on the bed and sleep. we then woke up and headed down the beach a while. bigcow was sitting on the beach while i walk along the waves hunting for hermit crabs to catch. :D

after heading back to the room, in such a hot weather, we had out 1st bottle of beer outside our room while smoking. cold beers in hot weather is bliss. shower and we get ready for our dinner. bigcow brought me to tong juan, the famous stuffed crab.

i personally didnt quite like the taste of the stuffed crab. maybe i am not a big fan of onions.

but on the other hand...

i like the prawn! the garlic taste, the freshness of the prawn... yums~

and the fish!

the fish is super delicious too! bigcow said this is 'ikan tiga rasa'. three taste fish...

after dinner at tong juan, bigcow brought me to paka. along paka has refineries and they have chimneys... fire chimneys... and it was beautiful. especially the one with blue fire. but too bad, along the road, there's a board says no photography allowed. so, no photo. sorry. but go and have a look. it is really nice.

we headed back to the resort at about 12am, ruby, the resort staffs and our room neighbour was at the lounge having drinks and talks. we joined them until accident happened. our neighbour's doggie chased ruby's rabbit and got bitten by the doggie. the rabbit is safe, but unfortunately, her eye swell and popped out. the rabbit is ok now at the vet and the last time i heard was, they need to remove the eye. so the rabbit will be 1 eyed rabbit. aye aye!

after the havoc, we headed back to our rooms, me and bigcow had another bottle, then sleep... zzzzz...

stay tuned for part 2. :D

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Date Night

no. i wasnt on a date. i was at the cinema watching Date Night, thanks to nuffnangMY.

cute hor? the churpchurp wan is from monday's movie, When in Rome. as for the nuffnangMY badge is tuesday's movie, Date Night.

me and bigcow went to 1u earlier to have dinner. didnt know what to eat so we ended up in...

Pizza Milano.

The food is not bad. Plus the price is kinda cheap.

Mushroom soup. well. its a so-so only soup. but what do u expect when u already see the price so cheap? i am not saying that there is no cheap and nice food. just that, when we enter this shop, there's only 1 table occupied. and it was dinner time.

Bigcow's order. Carbonara...
when it 1st came, bigcow was saying she cant taste anything. den she requested for salt. put in some, den she said she put too much salt. =.=

Seafood Aglio Olio
i always drag myself into the worst food. the reason i ordered this bcos i always liked their spiciness, but... very oily. :(
but then again, why i liked the pizza hut wan so much leh?

Speaking of pizza hut. this is pizza milano's errr... pizza supreme? it was fabulous when it 1st came, the cheeeese is fantasticcccc~ den when it went colder... it kinda sucked.

after dinner, we went to collect our tickets from the nuffnang booth. finally get to see who is robb. :P
after collecting, met up with 102excuses aka @ashezb and also nic. they wanna go for quick dinner 1st b4 the movie so me and bigcow walked around a lil bit b4 the show starts.

in the cinema...
the lights were off at 9pm and then i see lots of nice graphics and all about zues and wat-not... den bigcow told me its actually beginning part of Clash of the Titans. =.=

knowing there is something wrong, they stopped the show. and announced that it will resume at 9.30pm. it was a really difficult 30mins. there were cameras flashing. people talking. i dont care if people talk but i do care people talk LOUD in the cinema, with those 'hihihaha' laughters. me and bigcow proceed to our phones. she play her game, i view my twit and fb.

finally, the movie starts. beginning was the typical boring married couple stuffs.

and then, they were on a typical husband and wife date out to a fancy restaurant...

and then... they got themselves into this chase...

and... the whole movie was so funny, the whole cinema was full of laughter!

i dont wanna reveal much about the movie cos whats the point watching when u can just read it here, rite? :D

enjoy your movie~

oh~ im gonna be away starting from tmrw and all through the weekends. me is going to cherating with bigcow~ seriously, we need vacation. we need a beach.


good bye office~

picture taken from here
hello paradise~