Friday, March 5, 2010

DiGi BB Roadshow

after knowing about DiGi BlackBerry Roadshow will be in Midvalley, i got all excited and plan to go and visit on my lunch break WITH an intention to get it. which is at 4pm. since im just working in Midvalley anyways.

so i was happily walking towards the roadshow.

standing around there was pretty lenglui promoters.

so i went and look around.

no one approached me. (i dont look like potential buyer meh? i thought EVERYONE is a potential buyer)


so i asked one of them...

me : hi, can u tell me more?
she : ya.
..... silence ..... i see her, she see me .....
me : so i saw online it is starting from rm500 something?
she : ya.
.......... silence .......... i see her, she see me again ..........
me : so what do i need to do... (before i can finish my bloody sentence)
she : oh. u have to contract 2 yrs to get rm549. and u have to pay rm500 advance. (in a pretty bad english...)
... silence again ... me, getting, impatient... (WHAT IS THE BLOODY RM500 FOR!?)
me : and... the rm500 for?
she : oh. rm500 for the 2 yrs.
... silence AGAIN! ...
me : 2 yrs for what?
she : the unlimited internet access. and will deduct every month.
me : ahhh.. ok...
*roll eyes and walked off*

seriously... i dont look like potential buyer meh!?

oh and i forgot to add hor! when i approached, both of them still 'keng kai'-ing and laugh 'hi hi ha ha' horrr... grrr...


Kenzo said...

haha...i think you asked an inexperience promoter or else she have no commission served, so she just keep silence and stand there.=D try to ask other promoters since she is not willingness.CUSTOMER COME FIRST! =D

BlurCo said...

oh and i forgot to add hor! when i approached, both of them still 'keng kai'-ing and laugh 'hi hi ha ha' horrr...