Monday, March 15, 2010

Beautiful sunday... Not...

"hey hey hey~ beautiful sunday~ this is my my my beau..."

*smashed the player into pieces*

No. It's not a beautiful sunday for me cos i was having high hopes on having my beloved satay celup for dinner in melaka... But it turned out to be a disastrous trip.

Sigh... First... Bigcow's popiah not open... Satay celup long q... Arrive jonker, rained... Not nice punya chicken rice balls. Seriously, really dunno wat so nice about it... Den being rushed. Den go back satay celup still long q. Went for or chien n encounter with the fucking bitchy lady boss. Bloody traffic lights decided to turn red whenever we reached one. Damn slow moving traffic when heading back kl. Reached subang d n witness the ugliness in something.


K la. Dun wanna go further. All i know is, i'm fucking disappointed that i didnt get my satay celup. :(

1 comment:

Carrie Tai said...

don't be disappointed. Next time lo. I had ikan bakar at melaka and ended up with food poisoning