Tuesday, January 12, 2010


i officially crown big cow as THE STALKER.


Big Cow said...

lol!! thank you, thank you....

1st, i would like to thank the inventor of PC, Internet and Google for without their existence, i wouldn't have the means to stalk :P

2nd, i would like to thank myself for being so kaypoh, for without my kaypoh-ness, i wouldn't have the inspiration to stalk

3rd, i would like to thank everyone whom i've stalked for being so interesting :P if you all not interesting, i stalk for what leh? :P

Older, not much wiser. said...

Congrats, Big Cow!

Btw, she stalk who la?

BlurCo said...

she... stalk... someone lor. :D

Big Cow said...

thanks Ash :D it's a big honor to be recognized for my effort :D