Friday, January 8, 2010

Boston @ Sunway

during the recent off day, after a short day in Pavi with a friend, i headed home for dinner. after 1 whole week not being at home, it sure felt good being home.

i was expecting for home cooked food cos the last time my aunt told me, grandma would be boiling my fav soup. but apparently she didnt. she was too tired until now after the whole incident happened.

so we went...

Boston @ Sunway...

Deco on the table... ^^

me and granny...

Mun Farn...
i didnt try this but aunt said it was not bad...

Nasi Lemak...
the rice is great... the curry chicken so so only. but the sambal was fabulous. oh. and the ikan bilis very crispy!

what i ate was horrible. i ordered aglio olio. and it tasted... blergh. thats why i didnt bother to take picture. cmon... even the presentation was horrible. how to take picture?

after dinner, we went do run some errands... ^^


Big Cow said...

ah ma look so happy :D you should go see her more often :D

Ash said...

ok i will bear in mind NOT to go there. :P

Anonymous said...

nasi lemak craving...