Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Gooood Morning!

Hehe... yes. I am early and no i am not working. I am just... hmmm... i haven’t been sleeping since 12am. Haha...

these past 3 days was kinda fun... I was doing midnite and Abbie as well. So we decided to go for breakfast after work.

Day 1 (Saturday Morning)
after work, i asked help from Isaac, my colleague, to guide me the way to a place, which is nearby to his home. But being a typical direction idiot, i eventually still got lost. I rang abbie up and as usual, she guided me on the phone while im still driving. Had dim sum for breaky and talked lots of personal stuffs as well as nonsense. Sweetie was there too. Talked a lil and then went home after that.

Day 2 (Sunday Morning)
at the beginning we just wanna come out and have breakfast, just both of us. But somehow, Sweetie got drunk when me and abbie was still working, so abbie got help from kham to bring sweetie back to kham’s place 1st. Then the plan was after our shift, meet them at kham’s place, all of us have breakfast, send Sweetie get her car and then balik to sleep.

So, anyways, after our shifts, we headed to kham’s place. Kham, as usual being a pig, she need 3 of us to wake her up. At the end kham gave up her sleep and followed us for breaky. Went old town white coffee for breaky. Ahh~ my hor fun and my garlic bread! Been craving for some time alre.

while sitting and sipping our drinks at old town, abbie said she wanna buy ear phone so she can use it during office. Since Sweetie is going to work anyways, there was this IT Exhibition thing at UM. So we went UM, walked around, bought our stuffs and headed back home. Both me and abbie felt like dying alre. :P

Day 3 (Monday morning)
My butt was itchy ystd morning, i have decided to get a laptop. After surfing and searching high and low for THE laptop, I find that it is pointless cos i need to be there to feel the laptop and... honestly, which machine got no problem wan? It just somehow depends on your luck with the machine. so we decided to go sunway pyramid to have a look.

At 1st we meet up at the mamak opposite pyramid for breakfast. The guy somehow recommended roti india. Which tasted... spicy, and not bad, but i didn’t like it cos of the smelly vege (‘Sai kan’ i think). Then we headed to pyramid, met with Susan a while in parkson then we headed out to walk around... went to the IT centre in Pyramid and my journey towards my new laptop is here... after hours of walking and consideration, i decided to get Gateway NV48.

- Intel c2d T6400
- nVidia G105M Chipset with 512MB
- 2GB DDR2 Ram (added 2gb RAM for free)
- 250GB Harddisk
- DVD SuperMulti double-layer drive
- 14.1 inches 16:9 HD LED format screen
- HDMI Port

after making my payment, i left the lappie shop for the guys to setup and install the softwares for me. we sent Susan home a while due to certain reason set by her company. Really stupid, but let’s not touch on that. And we headed back to pyramid, collected my lappie ^^ then went for lunch at mcd. I wanted to faint alre cos i was really really hungry! And both of us were so tired and sleepy, we really wish the next thing we can do is just hop in the bed and turbo sleeping. But... the guy from the shop called. We have to go back there to photocopy my I/C for warranty registration purpose. -_-“

after all is done, we headed to our car and placed all the stuffs in the car. We smoked a while... Although we really wanna dive in our bed but we still wanna smoke 1st. After that, we both headed our ways home.

abbie told me i wont sleep wan la. I sure go back and play with my new toy 1st. But the fact is, i need to charge the battery for 8 hours 1st, then only i can play... so, reach home at 4pm, charge the battery, went to sleep... woke up at 12am, which is 8 hours... and started playing. :D