Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Doggie Show and Gotong-Royong

before i proceed with what i did for the weekend, let's see cun cun cars 1st la, ok?
when i was already late for work, just because to look for a parking, i was walking towards my office and i saw these beauties...

Lotus Elise...

this is my favorite compare to others. uh~ *melts*

now, fast forward to my weekend activities. saturday was not a good day for me because i need to wake up at 9.30am. but the good thing is, my air cond is back! yesh! the tech came over and fixed the air cond! no more sweaty grumpy morning! wheeee!

after the air cond, went and get ready and head to fetch big cow. this is actually random because i suddenly remembered there's a dog show cos i saw the banners in mid valley. :P
headed towards gardens to park my car and had zanmai for lunner (lunch + dinner). no picts tho. was too hungry.
after lunner, we walked towards midvalley MVEC. my god. all the puppies! i almost wanted to adopt the poor puppy! but... sighs... granny...
oh oh! got fashion show oso...

Pom Pom~ ^^

this leng jai here. or leng lui, i dont know... quite clumsy eh. when i was trying to take its picture, it turn here la. turn there la... and end up...

it hit its own head at the trolley... =.="

when i was at the dog show. i wanted to do something really evil to this little puppy here... really really evil...

i feel like... i wanna dognap this puppy! SHOOOO KIUTTTTTTTT!!! *screams*

Shoh Adolebel...

after the dog show, we fetched water dog, den went pyramid for movies. everywhere oso jam. parking oso full like mad. and end up, late for the movie. luckily not that late. LOTS of advertisement at the beginning. ^^ lucky~~

watched transformers. really really good! double thumbs up. i finally get to know who is arcee. im not a big transformers fan ok? and i did this quiz thingie in FB and i got arcee. arcee kinda cun eh. nice bike! :P and the best thing is. im gonna watch it again with W! wheeee! :P

after movies, we headed for karaoke. nevermind how many spots we went to and ended up full or closing early, we still manage to find one and sang till 4am. :D

paling syok is, the next day is gotong-royong day. at a place which im not even staying. ok la. once in a while got la. :D

let's see the before pictures, shall we? pssst... dun faint ok?

the living room...

nice huh?

the bedroom...

can u see the marking there? can u imagine how many freaking thousand yrs that floor is not being swept and mopped?!!!!

after all stinky and sweaty. *thinks* waitaminute... i dont think big cow sweat a lot oso leh. she just sit down and tear papers oni leh. =.="
after moving all the stuffs out, mop the floor, wipe the stuffs and move the things in again...
these are the after picts...

oh. btw! thats my cow tat was being cownapped T.T

we shall see how many months later oni gotong royong again la. haha!!! :P

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