Saturday, July 11, 2009


i was blog hopping as usual and i came accross a dear friend's blog...

and this post caught my eye.

abbie-san, we've known each other since college. but got close after college eh...

i remember u said u got something to tell me in ICQ (ya. THAT long ago) and u said u're a PLU. well, my gaydar alre told me so. :P

for whatever happens, it happens for a reason and there is a solution to things. even there is no solutions, dying will not even solve it too. like what kyrs said, u'll not just break one person's heart, but many. and yes. that includes mine.

i do not know what happened, abbie. and i apologise for not being there. but when u need someone to talk, i'm just a phone call away. i know i have ffk'ed quite a lot. *blushed* im sorry...

am very glad u love night shifts and i do know what u mean by dont have to be so formal. haha... hope that u'll be able to get stuck in the co for long eh. i believe in u. :)

lastly, please do not think of dying la. u're able to list out so many friends, u willing to leave us meh? T.T