Monday, May 18, 2009


Ok. Ok. I know it is too early for me to set my wish list. Well, it’s something for me to aim can or not? Who says wish list is only for birthdays and Christmas? No rite? So yes. This is my own personal wish list.
So my wish of getting a new phone has been achieved. And now… the rest of the stuffs which I wanna get…

this is a ‘need’. My CPU is making noises alre. :(
I wanted Sony Vaio. But being a typical Malaysian, who wanna install ALL the original applications. And if pirated ones screwed up my Sony, I’m fucked la. So, I’m actually reconsidering other brands instead. Any reco? :)

Can I consider this as a ‘need’ too? I don’t have a nice professional look watch eh. I think I’ll go for Casio or Titus or Fossil. I love Gucci’s watches but… if scratched I’ll kill myself so no… I’ll stick to others. :D

Ok ok. This is just a ‘want’. I know ok. For entertainment purpose. But… I don’t really need it tho. If I get it, it’ll be lesser time for me to read my books and watch my DVDs (I bought lots of books and DVDs... and still unattended). But… I miss playing games. I miss playing Loco Roco… :(

Last but not least, my latest craze…

DKNY Be Delicious Fresh Blossom
I got my DKNY Be Delicious for women. But this Fresh Blossom is so… sweet! I WANT! Yea… it’s a ‘want’. :P

I think there's more to add. haha! im going mad.

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