Monday, March 30, 2009

i am single... and very available...

... and i am happy!

wow... michelle thong being single. weird huh? yea yea... the loneliness will definitely strike once or twice in a blue moon... but at the mean time. i am happy.

compare to my previous attempts on staying single. i find this time it is rather successful! and i shall be single as long as... er... hmmm... more than 1 yr! yes! i shall be vegetarian for 1 yr!

*thinks* does ONS count?

previously, once i broke up. i would find someone else, like in a flash, in order to replace the other. i know it is wrong. and all ended up into a shitty rship.

but the fear of being alone is there and it is scary till at the end, it causes me doing silly things. eg, smoke like chimney or slitting.

good news is, i havent been slitting for 2 yrs alre.
bad news is, once in a while the urge is there...

the biggest contribution here is my dear big cow. always keeping me accompany. hmmm... or more like i keep her accompany. or vise versa. it doesnt matter anyways. we are the inseparable cows. :P

new friends i made, which makes me laughs the shit out of me. sam, khian and jc. idiots... :D

my aunt, who still constantly nagging at me. she's getting old. thats why getting naggy. :P

my granny, who cares in a way sometimes made me felt touched and wanna cry. T_T (big cow, dont say i dont love my granny k? just cant stand the fact that she gets on my nerves easily, its a family thing...)

thank you guys...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour

it is 28th March 2009 at 9.20pm.

i am sitting in the dark in my office...

i e-mailed my superior to seek for this permission to off the lights in my office for earth hour few days ago and being approved. hehe...

have you done ur part?


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nga Pou Kai Fan - Claypot Chicken Rice @ Old Town PJ

I finished working at 5.30 that day ( i think it was a saturday), and my aunt decided to have dinner together. i asked big cow along for dinner with me, my aunt and my grandma. So my aunt decided to try out the claypot chicken rice in PJ Old town. 

Thats my grandma "oi enough la. i take myself la!" 

Dinner is served...

Basicly, the food is not bad. the claypot chicken rice is nice. im not a claypot chicken rice fan, but i think it is delicious. we ordered 2 pots. 1 with salted fish and 1 without. i prefer the one without salted fish because u can fully taste the tastiness of the claypot chicken rice. not to say the one with salted fish is not nice la. just that... it's my personal taste. :D

The vege and tofu is not bad either.

Rank : 3/5

The service is kinda bad. i ordered my lime sour plum juice but it didnt arrive, and we tried to order another time and it turns out they dont have it. they only have sour plum juice. and i think they're pretty rude... i dont know. perhaps it was peak hour and they're really busy. oh well...


on sunday, we went to have kajang satay. im sorry. i forgot photos. was too hungry. after kajang satay, we went rounding a while and decided to go to my late-greatgrandma's place in jinjang, kepong. sat for a while. being told by relatives "aiyo michelle. stop eating so much lo. so fat already" 
and i just ate kajang satay till me n big cow was super full. ohhhkayyy...

then again we went rounding and suddenly

big cow : ei. got bring camera or not?
me : got.
big cow : got battery or not wan?
me : got
big cow : mmm... ok la. we go KLCC to take pictures
me : orh...

i never take pictures of KLCC at nite b4 so i thought, why not?

few minutes later...

big cow : u r gonna hate me...
me : why?
big cow : i'm lazy to go alre
me : -_-"

Nga Pou Kai Fan - Claypot Chicken Rice @ Old Town PJ...

I finished working at 5.30 that day ( i think it was a saturday), and my aunt decided to have dinner together. i asked big cow along for dinner with me, my aunt and my grandma. So my aunt decided to try out the claypot chicken rice in PJ Old town. 

Thats my grandma "oi enough la. i take myself la!" 

Dinner is served...

Basicly, the food is not bad. the claypot chicken rice is nice. im not a claypot chicken rice fan, but i think it is delicious. we ordered 2 pots. 1 with salted fish and 1 without. i prefer the one without salted fish because u can fully taste the tastiness of the claypot chicken rice. not to say the one with salted fish is not nice la. just that... it's my personal taste. :D

The vege and tofu is not bad either.

Rank : 3/5

The service is kinda bad. i ordered my lime sour plum juice but it didnt arrive, and we tried to order another time and it turns out they dont have it. they only have sour plum juice. and i think they're pretty rude... i dont know. perhaps it was peak hour and they're really busy. oh well...


on sunday, we went to have kajang satay. im sorry. i forgot photos. was too hungry. after kajang satay, we went rounding a while and decided to go to my late-greatgrandma's place in jinjang, kepong. sat for a while. being told by relatives "aiyo michelle. stop eating so much lo. so fat already" 
and i just ate kajang satay till me n big cow was super full. ohhhkayyy...

then again we went rounding and suddenly

big cow : ei. got bring camera or not?
me : got.
big cow : got battery or not wan?
me : got
big cow : mmm... ok la. we go KLCC to take pictures
me : orh...

i never take pictures of KLCC at nite b4 so i thought, why not?

few minutes later...

big cow : u r gonna hate me...
me : why?
big cow : i'm lazy to go alre
me : -_-"

The One You Love - Glenn Frey

I know you need a friend, someone you can talk to
Who will understand what you're going through
When it comes to love, there's no easy answer
Only you can say what you're gonna do
I heard you on the phone, you took his number
Said you weren't alone, but you'd call him soon
Isn't he the guy, the guy who left you cryin'?
Isn't he the one who made you blue?
When you remember those nights in his arms
You know you gotta make up your mind

Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Or are you goin' back to the one you love?
Someone's gonna cry when they know they've lost you
Someone's gonna thank the stars above

What you gonna say when he comes over?
There's no easy way to see this through
All the broken dreams, all the disappointment
Oh girl, what you gonna do?
Your heart keeps sayin' it's just not fair
But still you gotta make up your mind

Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you
Or are you goin' back to the one you love?
Someone's gonna cry when they know they've lost you
Someone's gonna thank the stars above

Monday, March 23, 2009


boys... guys... men... i need ur attention to feed my curiousity...


have you done this before when u r a kid?


hmmm... i wonder if he thinks that piece is an unwanted crap... :P

Sunday, March 22, 2009


previously, when i was working in mid nite shift, other agents tend to leave the cups in the basin unwashed. and whenever kakak comes in, she'll be upset cos she have to wash all the cups. and mind you. it's not even in her workscope. she is only in charge on cleanliness in the premise and wash ONLY bosses and managers cups. not agents.

the agents once got to the extend, they used the kettle to cook maggi and left it unwashed too... gosh...

so now, kakak got fed up alre. left only limited cups for the midnite shifts. she kept the pot. all locked.

with tha limited of cups, there are still agents who refuse to wash it. so, when there's no clean cups, poor innocent agents would need to wash the cups in the basin so that they can use it.

how inconsiderate.

if u do not know what am i talking about. it's ok. cos i dont think i know too. just wanna rant out something and im currently in my office. on a sunday. without aircond. with the sun glaring... im like in a sauna surrounded with PCs...


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dear Stalker,

Hmmm… u know who u r. I do not need to mention names. *smiles*
But if u don’t, it’s ok.
But if u do… no… It’s not u. U sendiri perasan oni. Terasa? Oh gosh. Siapa makan cili, dia la rasa pedas. *giggles*

Firstly, I would like to thank you for being such a helpful stalker. Reporting my activities in my blog to her. Greatly appreciated.

Oh. And thank u… keep stalking ok? U r bringing more traffic to my blog. *smiles again*
Having what u have done to me previously is really tremendously wonderful. I love it! I love it to the extreme! Oh gosh. Love hate relationship! Wahaha…

And bcos of u, I do not want to accept her back. Bcos, I do not wanna risk my blog being hacked again.

Such great contribution u gave huh? So tell me… r u helping the situation? Or u wanna come out and apologise to me?

P/s : Try hacking again. I wont talk to her anymore. And I AM waiting for your apology.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Confession of a Shopaholic...

i was still sleeping when big cow text me saying that LM left the coupon at home in seremban. bcos it was my off day so i just replied "so? go sban and get it la. it's not like in Penang anyways. it's just sban..."

so, fetched big cow from her place and shoot to seremban...

then, shoot to cineleisure to collect tickets...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

made a research...

about memory loss and high blood pressure... see if its related...

so i found... this...

If you are experiencing dizziness, blurred vision, confusion, memory loss or nausea it could be because you have malignant hypertension. This type of high blood pressure leaves you at a much higher risk of suffering from a stroke or a heart attack in the near future if left untreated.

Source here...


i have always wondered...

will i ever be so stupid...

to quit my job.

just bcos...
there's no air cond after 7pm and there's no air cond on saturday and sunday.

so pik chik leh... so hot u know. somemore my floor is like the... almost highest floor. 2 floors more to reach the TOP! so near to my oh so beloved SUN!

will i?

should i...

bang my head against the wall?


slit my wrist?


kill someone?



... take mc?

"why?" u ask me.


ok. i figure this font is kinda small hor?


if u still asking wtf is that.... let me tell u wtf is that...

that... is... the... result... for... lucky... draw... for... the... meet... and... greet... session...

yes...! that is the freaking result for the meet and greet session for sunburst! artist of my choice! my bloody choice. not that i know who i wanna see but ah... ya. my freaking choice!

and now u must be wondering why am i so freaking pissed till i have to kill myself?!

cos am freaking working on that fucking day!!

sorry about all the freaking cursing. but i just cant help it! fuck!!

and then... u must be thinking, take leave la.

im not dumb ok? of cos i tried. twice. but... REJECTED. fuck again!

should i even try the wonderful piece of paper? MC? but... it's a 2pm to 2am concert leh. the next day i'll be tired like fuck leh...


i wish someone can just kill me now. seriously...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lelong Lelong!!!

Rm200 Timberland Voucher selling off at Rm150!!

Drop me an email at


p/s : voucher will expired on 27th March 2009. only at lot 10, 1u, sunway & mid valley.

Monday, March 9, 2009

leave me alone grandma...

perhaps it's time of the month again. im feeling all grumpy and obnoxious and... blargh...

i've been doing midnite shift for the whole week.

ruined a few things. do not wish to elaborate as it's pissing me off. fucking selfish and childish.

i thought my car got hit by another car at the bump when i was on my way home from work in the morning. but i didnt dare to stop as it was friggin ugly wira and colors thats... falling off and rusted everywhere. when i arrive around my area, and i checked. nothing happened. must be me being too sleepy and imagining things. gosh...

i had off on friday and saturday. den work on sunday midnite till monday morning. den monday and tuesday off. den wednesday work morning shift...

having those off days so close to each other. my grandma being pain in the ass saying i'll soon get fired bcos i skip work so much. wow... thanks for bringing down my spirit to work...

stress... big cow. get me away from home! i cant stand her!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

about myself... the quiz...

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

to take the test... here
i thank her for this test.

i don't...

... mean to be racist but er... this is what i analysed...

me and my aunt bought car at the same time, just different salesman...

so, we got the car roughly about the same time... i think about a week difference.

she... got myvi se
me... got viva

her salesman is a chinese...
my salesman is a malay...

the chinese salesman gave her free car tinting voucher... and lots of advise on how to take car of your car



ya... so... no... i'm not being racist.