Tuesday, September 9, 2008

1st day...

1st day of work. As usual, super tiring for me. Cos I kinda not used to the time yet. Before lunch was ok. I still manage to concentrate. After lunch, I kept wanna doze off. Wahahaha…

I got some news. I don’t know it’s suppose to be a good news or a bad one. I am required to work on 24hrs shift. And the company will be moving to Midvalley on November. I’m totally HL d. but I’m still sticking on for the sake of the pay. Sometimes I think, can u stick to a job that u’re sick of but u stay for the sake of the pay? We’ll see how I survive in this company.

Training was ok. The things that they covered made me so damn freaking blur cos I have no freaking idea wat is it. All I know is, there’s something gotta do with the internet, how internet actually works, what are the equipments, what are the ports… yada yada yada…

Since I got the news that it’s gonna be 24 hours shift, I inform TSL n SLS’s bf, both turned it down. Sighs… there goes my side income.

Anyways, gotta get back on facebook now. And gotta hit the sack after that.

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