Monday, September 10, 2012

Movida to RestRoom, Scott Garden

few birthdays in a month. they ended up wanted to party at movida at scott garden.

when we arrived it was packed like crap. well, why am i not surprised? it was friday.

we finally settled down at a table and slowly getting into the mood. someone then suggested to move to Rest Room.

no, we didnt continue club in a toilet.

Rest Room is a concept club. the entrance looked damn VIP. @.@

sorry for no pictures around the club tho. i think i am beginning to become a really horrible blogger. :P

we entered and the music playing was... i dont know. dance? electro? house? i sucked at clubbing songs genre. but i can tell u... the music was awesome. the sound system was superb.

i cant help to notice the names flashing on the screens. angger dimas was one of them. really not bad at all. danced, drank and bottoms up~! *sings : shot shot shot shot shot shot~*

a clubbing nite is not a complete clubbing nite without someone puke or passed out.

some of them took turns to puke... well... of cos i am excluded. hahaha! their toilet is awesome. hahahhaa! it was huge with 2 huge round red couch to sit on. after puking, they lied down... dead...

after they gathered themselves better in the toilet, @.@ . we left and headed for dim sum at yanyan. headed home, watch thriller which i cant bring myself to finish it cos it was scary and then slept... zzz

its been a while since i last clubbed, and boy... the next morning my whole body hurts. :(

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