Friday, June 22, 2012


lights never fail to make me go in awe. 

even on a highway, i always look forward going to the higher part of the highway and look down so that i can see a stretch of street lights beautifully lit up. 

2 spots i love to view night views. 

somewhere in puchong. 

somewhere along MRR2. 

which i think that explains why i lala-fied my car with lots of LED lights. :P

i dont know why am i blogging about lights but i came across some pictures i took. with lights of cos. :P

oasis square

went over to smoke a few times. once to have supper. by the road side, cos there is nothing opened there yet except for maybank and tutti fruitti. 


i went there once around xmas season. and... omg... orchard road. the lights... i was facsinated... actually nothing to shout about la. but cos it is lights...! damn a lot of decorative lights!! :D

and also the marina barrage. so nice and windy~ 

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