Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Last Friday

i always do things without thinking much. not a good thing. but up till now, i have not regretting selling off my BB and got this phone. 

when i got to know the stock arrived to this particular shop that me n MrV went before, almost immediately i post up n fb and also started a thread in LYN. and almost immediately, someone called me. mind you, i posted the ad up at 1am, and the guy called me at 1am something. =.=" 

but no, end up i did not deal with that 1am guy. 

the next morning, i received a few sms asking about my BB. 1 guy asked me to go all the way to putrajaya. =.=" 1 guy said he can come all the way to subang but wanted discount. i gave a lil and we met up in subang parade. 

before meeting him, i stopped by at the shop in ss15 to get the phone first. after he put the screen protector, cut my SIM card (yea. micro sim liao), paid, headed to subang parade.

at first i was lazy to park my car so i asked him to hop in my car to check on the device. after he paid and everything, i remembered, im suppose to make a stamp for MrV. so i parked in subang parade anyways and walked around. the stamp, unfortunately, will take a long time to be done. so out of the question. 

headed to parkson to look for a pouch for my new phone. when i was walking in, i bumped into sktan. she was working there that day. then went up to the ladies department to look for the pouch. dont hv. but... i got myself a purse instead. =.=" 

while i was about to pay for the purse, i bump into andrew yong! omg! how many thousand years i havent seen him alre! 

went down to have a drink with sktan before i headed to proton service centre to collect the claim form for MrV. 

when i arrived, they told me the form wasnt ready, so i waited quite long there. they dont even have a folder for me to put the form. sighs... stupid. later the paper berkedut-kedut la... =.="

went home and nap a while. then i went to do my banking errands, and headed to seremban to pass the forms to him so that he and his dad can sign it. and came back to KL... 

saturday was pretty simple. i played my phone WHOLE day. haha! then met up with daph n fionne for dinner and went seremban to collect the claim form. this time round, i dapao'ed his fav grassjelly with taro balls for him. 

i rounded so many times in ss15 for parking and failed! :(
ended up i double parked, and wrote on a paper [016-xxxxxxx. went dapao in snowflake. please wait. sorry]
luckily no one wanted to leave when i got back to the car. *phew*

sunday, work. :( 

there goes my weekend~ 

ohh! and also! mom's doggie ran away... :(
she did the usual thing she always did when she comes home. which is, she will release the dog out for it to mind her own business. then, that day, i dont know which idiot decided to play with fireworks. and the poor dog sure got frightened la. and ran away. :(
i rounded around my area, dont hv. i rounded the area behind my house, oso dont hv. nowadays whenever i go home, i will keep an eye around. until now, not seen. 
mom alre cried in front of my twice. 


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