Friday, May 27, 2011

a day like this

makes me remember why i love hanging out alone, going out alone, shop alone... just being alone.

i got up very early today and i was hoping to see someone's msg. but i didnt recv any. so i thought mayb she got too tired and slept off alre. and i couldnt sleep anymore, so i planned my day ahead.

i planned to go for gym in the morning at first. but then i was hooked on the lappie chatting. :P
so i end up chatting until her lunch time den i head out.

i havent been sweating this much since god knows when. i went for a full 4km walk. 2km each time. i cant run cos i got HBP and if i run, i probably will end up fainting. but the fast walk was good. then hit on those machines and dumbbells. then went for steam bath. it was a good one and off i go taking a long shower.


here i am, sitting at dome sipping the ever relaxing chamomile tea... and still chatting. :P

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