Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wong Poh Restaurant @ Aman Suria

they are famous for their butter milk claypot crab. and jessi decided to bring me there to taste them. and in return, i need to help her with some stuffs. :P

Lesson #1, always go early. cos it will be damn packed!

Ham Dan Sotong...
just so so...

this... is to die for. Fried Bee Hoon with Lala.
i always loved lala. and the generous amount of lala they fried with... yumss...

can u see the lala? :D

the ever famous Claypot Butter Milk Crabbie...
if i am not that full, i would lick the pot clean...
its sooooo damn nicee!!

we ordered deep fried man tao to go with it. :P

u can order extra gravy if u want. and of cos at extra cost. :D

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