Sunday, September 26, 2010

I wan new tattoo!!!

ya. my title says it all. i wan a new tattoo!!!
and i feel like a walking zombie nao...

went times square today to witness both my colleagues getting tattoo. both 1st timers. and its giving me the itch to do another 1. :P
alre got the design done. now just gonna get the cash done. hahaha!

had fun time laughing throughout the day. sometimes i wonder why i got such TL and colleagues. =.=

my TL got this really nice tribal wing on his back till arm. and another colleague got 'fierté' on his arm which means pride in french.

samson went to get it done 1st. cos his is big and merv has not decided what to do yet. while samson spent hours in the room, merv starts hunting for the design he want. after merv got the design he wanted, we went for lunch leaving samson alone in pain.

after samson, it was mervin's turn. stood beside him throughout the whole process. his freezing cold hand was holding mine throughout the whole session. lol. damn cute.

we arrived at about 12pm and left at 6pm. and it was raining heavily. by the time i reached home was about 7.30pm. =.=

and i dont think i want ANY of them to be around during my session. cos i sure cannot tahan and laugh out loud wan...


i wan i wan i wan...

*calculates this month's expenses*

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