Thursday, July 1, 2010

my life now...

now, at the mean time... everything is pretty messy. well... i know it is definitely temporary. but still it is damn tiring...

i am now on permanent nite shift.

until now, i seriously dont know wtf i did wrong to deserve this. cos, if my frens who knows me well, when i talk. i dont hide other meanings behind my words. in this case, when i said the place is messy. it is just that... there is no meaning (i am not confortable) behind it at all. so, i cant miss home? if she really thinks that way, den it is just her sensitivity level is high.

then again. nvm. she wanna think that i am ungrateful. then, ungrateful it is.

so now, i am now on permanent midnite shifts. and how i manage my time?

when i need to work on weekdays, i would sleep from day time until the last minute, den bring food to work. if i am working on weekends, i would spend time with family during day time until like... 4 or 5pm? den go home sleep until the last minute again. ohhh... my last minute is about 8.30pm. wake up, mandi den bring food to work. and yea... weekends i will look like zombie more...

if im off on weekday... i dont know. never have off on weekdays yet. but i assume, i will wake up the last minute, take dinner at home. den oni go office...

lots of question marks i see flying around. why go back office on OFFDAY?! hrmmm... u see... after this incident... i oni can sleep at home during day time. at nite, no one will be at home. grandma will be at uncle's place which cant fit me in d. so she will not allow me to be alone at home at nite so i got no choice but not to be at home during at nite. so where can i go at nite? office lorrr...


if i am off on weekends, it is a bonus for me. i'll wake up last minute. have dinner with family 1st, den oni see who is free to yum cha. well... weekends ma, no nit to sleep so early ma. so after yumcha, i will still head back to office. but at least the hours of being in the office is shorter lor... :P

so my daily schedules are basically kinda screwed up d.

somemore my team short of manpower. dunno it is good or bad. good is, i am going back to office every nite anyways. bad is, if i work on that weekend and coincidently a group of friends made plans... i wont be able to turn up den... T.T

but oh well... i think things will be settled pretty soon. but when the day comes, i got another MAJOR headache. cos when it is in the midst on settling, i will have no place to sleep...

gahhhh... when the time comes oni think laaaaaaaa...

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