Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Homeless Offday...

ok. my bad. my offday is on friday nite. checked the schedule wrongly...

it'll be my off day tmrw nite... where shall i go?

a : creep back home when grandma is away already
pro : get to have all the house to myself!
con 1 : if she comes back at 7am and find me sleeping at home, she'll keel me. T.T
con 2 : dangerous. scared scared. T.T

b : come back to the office and disturb my fellow colleagues
pro : ada teman. ada internet. ada orang to kacau. :D
con : wa lau... it is like 365days a yr oso i come back office liao. siao meh... wtf. T.T

c : go rounding until 7am
pro : well... at least there's something to do...
con : petrol not free wan lor. T.T

d : think tmrw
pro : so i no nit to headache now and can work...
con : which i usually will end up with no better ideas. T.T

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