Sunday, February 14, 2010

Reunion Dinner

this yr's reunion dinner is a little different than last year. this yr, i need to work on reunion nite. :D

so after work, i headed back home to sleep. sleep kao kao already den oni i head to my uncle's house in ss17. i think i arrived at about 7.30pm?

and no, dinner notchet start. they just oni preparing. so since they are still in the midst of preparing, i butt itchy snap picture 1st...

Dishes at table 1

Dishes at table 2

while preparing the food, this tohtis no eyes see...

den proceed to snap cookie's picture. cute hor?

oh. the best part about this yee sang is that, they give u that whole chunk of salmon and u cut it yourself. i had my own sweet time slicing them. :P

mountain high! this year's money oso must be like this... muahahahaa!

Lou finish d...

2 tables occupied alre. even me and my uncle is standing eating rice. lol...

flower my aunt bought. love the colors. so nicee~

so after makan makan and minum minum, i headed off to work. yea. midnite shift. T.T