Saturday, January 23, 2010

fucked day...

check this out...

ASC Mailbox:
07:30 – 14:30 = T
14:31 - 22:15 = Michelle

IP Mailbox:
07:30 – 14:30 = K
14:31 – 22:15 = Michelle

07:30 - 12:30 = S
12:31 - 17:15 = T
17:16 - 22:15 = Michelle

yes. today is a fucked up day. im alone in afternoon shift. people can be very inconsiderate and MC leaving only one person working. and yes. i have to look into the above stuffs, and also my tickets that is assigned to me. wtf...

on the other hand. im farking broke. i dont even remember i got that 50SGD in my wallet but it is really life saviour lorhh...

den my colleagues from morning shift is going out for lunch. so i asked K to go change for me and da pau for me as well. S nicely came cos they are discussing where to have their lunch. K told S he need to go money changer to change that 50SGD...

S : eh michelle, i change for u la...
M : ha?
S : ya la. i got RM50, i change with your 50SGD la.
M : u think i'm lulu ah?

hahaha... really. colleagues like this makes u look fwd to work everyday. :)

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