Thursday, December 24, 2009

Silent Night

another silent night on a working night. it's 5.30am, 24th dec... xmas eve. and i gotta work oso tonite... celebrate xmas in office.

oh btw...


i dont know what to write now eh. i know. the bbq nite. but im in office lah. and my pictures are at home, in my lappie.

i cant wait for my pay to come in. den i can buy stuffs that i've been planning. no. not my monthly salary pay... my nuffnang pay? haha. i wish la. i have a long way more to even reach that bloody rm50. what pay leh? hehe... got lar. im waiting and u guys shall wait too. hahaha...

wat's wrong with my blogging eh? :(

i cant reach rm50 yet. cant even draw out the pathetic rm50...

my writing sucks? i think so eh. i dont have that wittiness when i start typing. T.T

bah... cant wait for my shift ends. shall i go home or wait for the time to pass until 10am den go look for slipper. i desperately need slipper leh...

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