Sunday, October 11, 2009

Old Love...~

i was surfing for a nice zodiac picture to keep and i stumble upon all these pictures. and i started to look in deviant art. they were having this competition for creating the best sailor zodiac. and yes! my craze for zodiacs too!

Sailor Taurus

this is the original piece by the contestant...

and this is the prize. a better version or it.

Sailor Ophiuchus

the original. i think the original piece is already good itself. love the was she was like... communicating with the serpent.

the prize.

for those who dont know about Ophiuchus, read it here. it is actually the hidden 13th Zodiac sign.

Sailor Libra

Original Piece

The Prize

Sailor Cancer

The original piece. Very lady-like eh... me likey~

The Prize

For below Characters, the prize is not done and. and i'll keep checking for the prize to come out. :P

Sailor Virgo

This is actually one of my favourite. She reminds me a little of Sailor Star Healer. Whom i actually went totally gaga over her...

Sailor Scorpio

can u see at her waist how to apply that scorpion effect? nice...

Sailor Sagittarius

this is actually my sign. and i dont like it. i dont know why. hmmm...

Sailor Pisces

where's the fish?

Sailor Leo

i loveeeee the tail!

Sailor Gemini

the twins... ^^

Sailor Capricon

dont like. :(

Sailor Aries

i like her hair that resembles Aries. ^^

Sailor Aquarius

reminds me of sailor mercury... hrm...

all above are all the winners...

the finalists your can find it here...
the entries u can find it in
Part 1
Part 2
and finally... the winners' list is here...

2 comments: said...

a little childish but the graphic is nice! Nanged you for good post! Nang this to see the RM15,000++ web address! Tq!

Garfield said...

the Aries looks like Usagi,
Capricorn looks like Sailor Saturn,
Scorpio looks like Rei (Mars).

Anyway, i prefer the original ones
And also i like the live action series.
