Saturday, August 16, 2008


one of my biggest regrets is quittng my old company. other than quitting, my performance sucks. tho my team leader told me that my warp up time is good and he like the way i handle over the phone. but my attendance sucks. yes. i'm always MC.

never once late for work. just that once there's this stupid huge traffic jam that i got stuck at batu tiga toll for nearly an hour. really stupid unreasonable jam. and few minutes late after the 10 minutes late which we are entitled twice other than 1hr meal breaks.

after i resign, all my work experience sucks. cos, i regretted. until the recent 2 companies, i tried my best to perform. but they just step over their employee's head.

now, i finally got the chance to go for interview with them. part of me, i'm really excited. another part of me, scared. scared of being rejected. sighs...

i just got back home from drinks with HTL.

and i dont know why, i feel like doing stupid stunts again. which i havent been doing for a long long time now till the scars is already fading. now i feel like adding new scars.

ish... stop thinking. stop!!!

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