Friday, August 18, 2017

Baby update!

The other day, me, Ahbuii and my MIL went to the hospital for a 2nd trimester scan. This 2nd trimester scan is needed because I am high-risk pregnancy.

The scan was good. Baby was about 433g. everything looks normal.

After the scan, we went to Ikea for lunch. I love to go Ikea during weekdays. Less crowded. Went shopping for stuff. MIL wanna get the TV cabinet and Ahbuii finally got his glass cabinet for his hobby. Gundams.

The happy boy quickly cleaned his dust infested Gundam and placed it in the glass cabinet. 

Few days down, we need to go to the clinic to see the gynae so that she can check and explain on the results. Before we went to the clinic, we left the house earlier to have our lunch at the neighborhood mall. Then we slowly took the MRT and went shopping a while. Bought a HUGE flask using the Robinsons gift card. Thanks to Ahbuii. :D We have a balance of $4 in the card. So, more shopping next time. We then walked over to the clinic.

My pre-pregnancy weight was about 59kg... 

My weight dropped... I asked the Dr if this is OK and will it affect the baby. She said there's nothing to worry about. There was another patient, similar case to mine and also referred to the same endocrine. She lost 15kg during pregnancy... Wow...

The Dr advised the baby is on the smaller side. I read from a baby app, by right baby should be around 450g. However, there is nothing to worry about as everything else from the scan is good and the weight is still within the good range.

She added one more thing.

Supposedly my EDD is 6 Dec which is 40 week. But because I am high-risk pregnancy, I will need to deliver on the 38 week, 22 Nov. That is if my condition is at the optimal level. I also asked if I need to go for C-sect. She said so far, I am good to opt for a natural birth. All in all, will need to see later on.

As for the news that we have all waited for…

Not sure if we wanna announce baby's name yet. We shall see... :D

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