Monday, August 21, 2017

Finally chopped my hair!

After much contemplating, I decided to have my hair chopped.

My hair was so long, I was getting frustrated managing it. I used to rebond my hair at least once a year. However, in recent years I noticed my hair is thinning. So, I stopped doing any chemical shit on my hair and let it be.

I decided to have my hair cut cos, as I’ve said it, it is frustrating. Another reason was, to prepare myself for confinement. If I got frustrated because of my hair during confinement, I probably will use Ahbuii’s shaver and shave my hair bald.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Baby update!

The other day, me, Ahbuii and my MIL went to the hospital for a 2nd trimester scan. This 2nd trimester scan is needed because I am high-risk pregnancy.

The scan was good. Baby was about 433g. everything looks normal.