Saturday, February 25, 2017

Miniature Dollhouse

If you don’t already know, I love miniatures. The board that has most pins in my Pinterest are miniatures. Every time I'm looking for something else on Pinterest, I will always end up looking for miniatures stuff. So cute, I cannot.

Finally, I succumbed to the temptation and bought a miniature dollhouse kit. Oh, the joy of opening it was mad love.

I repainted the furniture.

I was too anxious to complete the whole thing.  I ended up didn’t take any pictures of the process.

Here’s the result! With lights!

Miniature slippers.

Mini book and apples.

A tissue box that has a real tissue.

Sofa with lots of cushions, just how I like my sofa. Lots of cushions.

Books neatly arranged. Some decorations using beads. Got phone some more, don’t play play.

More decorations with lavender.

I saved a lot of flowers from the flower crown workshop so I used it to made this!



Flowers do brighten up a room nicely.

I made a few adjustments myself,

  • There should be a wall light but I removed it cos I didn’t like it. 
  • I removed the carpet cos I find it very fake. It was a piece of glossy paper. I was thinking to add my own cloth as carpet later on. 
  • A few photos for the wall but I didn’t put them in, I was thinking to put other pictures instead. 
  • A few cylinder boxes, who puts cylinder boxes in the living room out of nowhere? 
  • Another pair of slippers, cos I lazy to make another pair. 
  • Added real flower. 
  • Added more cushions. 

I love the overall process. When all the tiny pieces of decorations and furniture completed, decorating and placing the items accordingly was satisfying.

I’m gonna buy MORE and make MORE! Or maybe build one myself without the kit. YAAASSS~

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Bus chasing team

Chinese New Year passed and now only I wanna blog about it. I am such a disciplined blogger. 

We planned to go back to KL on 26th till 31st January and I manage to buy the First Coach tickets 1 month before that at 5am to avoid the website congested. 

On 26th itself, we woke up very early and got out of the house early. It was about 6:35am when we left our house. Once the cab hit the expressway, the traffic was crazy. We were thinking it was only because of the rain. When we switched on our Waze, it was accidents everywhere. To our horror, the ETA stated on was 7:46am. Being so jammed, we knew the ETA will be dragged later and later. We called the First Coach office and being advised that they only can wait 5 minutes. 

By the time we arrived Star Vista, it was already 7:56am. We were not the only one missing the bus. Another 2 girls arrived the same time as we did. The First Coach person told us that the bus just left. 4 of us discussed and decided to share a cab to Tuas to chase the bus. 

We got a cab pretty quick and we chased. While chasing, I updated my FB status. “Pray for us. We are on fast and furious mission to catch the bus”. When we arrived, the girl paid in cash and we exchanged numbers so that we can transfer the share to her. I saved her as “missed bus girl” cos I didn’t get her name. Hehe...

When we tried to walk in, we were being stopped by the officer. Of cos, why not right? So, we explained the situation to him. He communicated with someone, I’m guessing his superior. Numerous times, he said he cannot let us in. Tuas Checkpoint does not allow walk-ins. Sighs...

Someone else came out and talked to us. He gave us a few suggestions and all of it are mission impossibles. Me and ahbuii decided to head home, while the 2 girls took up the mission impossible. Respect!

We took another cab back home (it was a cab day or what?), then I received FB notification. It was Suyin. She said she is going back in the afternoon with her hubby and that is the back up plan if we really missed the bus. I was damn touched la! Damn relieved…

We placed our luggage at home and went down to grab breakfast. We were famished! We went back home and rest. Missed-bus-girl whatsapp’ed me introducing herself and called our little adventure “bus chasing team” Lol… She advised how much was the fare and her account number. She and another girl managed to go back KL. Yay!!!

We left the house and went to the place we agreed to meet up. We finally left Singapore at about 3pm. The journey was with bad traffic jam, slow moving traffic and mad smooth speedable traffic. 

We arrived home at about 8pm. While Suyin and her hubby head for dinner with her family, me and my hubby took the car out and had bak kut teh. It was raining and bak kut teh is just damn good to have when raining. 

I think next time we have to leave the house at 6am instead. T.T