Friday, April 29, 2016

French Toast Cupcakes with Blueberries

The other day I couldn’t sleep whole night. All the way until in the morning when the sky is already bright. It was a Saturday, so I did something that I’ve never done before.

Preparing breakfast...

I wanted to do the usual french toast but there were stuffs on the stove, so I thought of an alternative.

I soaked the bread and place them in the silicon cupcake mould and toss them in the over. It was easy! I don’t cook. So, if I can do it, you definitely can as well.

I used...

2 eggs
A pinch of salt
A pinch of black pepper
Half cup of milk
A tiny wee bit of vanilla extract
Blueberries (Optional)

- Pre-heat oven at 175c
- Coat the cupcake moulds with butter.
- Put eggs, salt, black pepper and milk together and mix well.
- Tear the bread into small pieces and soak them in the bowl of egg. Do it piece by piece. Don’t greedy and tear all the bread and put inside.
- Then, arrange them nicely in the cupcake moulds.
- This is totally optional but you can add blueberries on top and let them pop in the oven. You can skip this and settle with the bread and egg will do as well.
- Place them nicely in the oven and wait 10 to 15 minutes or until the sides are golden brown.


*This bag of nutella was a complete failure. Don't follow!


You can put some nutella on. It tastes amazing as well. Let's face it. Nutella tastes amazing with anything.

I woke Ahbuii up and told him I made breakfast. That was at 9am. So evil of me disturbing his weekend sleep in day. He ate anyways, and went back to sleep.

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