Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 1 - Pulau Redang Trip

Day 1 - Terengganu
Although our target location is Pulau Redang, we stopped by Kuala Terengganu for a day so that :-
1, we get to make full use of the 3 days 2 nights package provided by the resort.
2, we never been to Kuala Terengganu's China Street/Town.

when we just left lcct...

and... when we are about to reach KT airport.

so green and blueeee...

touched down!

so we arrive in Kuala Terengganu first...

in the airport...

getting a cab. 

once we touched down, we headed to the counter to get a cab first. i like the cabs there cos, they dont talk to you... ya. i dont like to talk in the cab. maybe im not a friendly person? but really, i prefer to look out the window and day dream. 

on the way to the hotel...


bii gave me a few hotels to choose from, and i picked this based on the reviews in tripadvisor. and... i kinda regretted it. when we arrived, we went to the first floor where the reception is. i dont know they wanna save the cost or what, it was as though no aircond/fan is on at all. i can feel it was dusty all over and stuffy. i know i shouldnt expect much, but with the same price, i can get much better room in KL. and that is KT...  

we actually arrived early, about 12pm. so we left our bags there and we wanted to walk to China Town. when asked where, how far is it. she said 'dekat jer, jalan boleh sampai, jalan terus, pas tu pusing kanan'. [its very near. its walking distance. just go all the way straight then turn right]

stupidly, we walked. without checking our smartphones how far is it. 

we walked... and walked... and walked... and we checked the distance on our phone... 

it was about 3km away from the hotel. wtf... 

at the end, the nearest cafe visible is Killiney. sat there, had our lunch and rest... 

and walked back. 

by the time we reached to the hotel again, it was time to check-in. we rest for a while and i even fell asleep. then we headed out again. this time i asked for a cab to go to the china town... more like china street. 


by the time we reached china town, it was about 5 or 6pm alre. 

saja playing with the camera filter. :P

nothing much to see actually. most of the shops are closed. we did walk from one end to another end of the street. i think they only operate in the morning... 

bee's kitchen (if i remembered correctly...)

located right opposite of the temple

we came across this baba nyonya shop which looked promising. full of pictures with famous people. it was even tripadvisor certified. 

the shop is rather small. only fits about 7 small tables. 

we ordered bubu chacha. not bad, but i think because we requested to put ice in, the taste is rather bland... 

fried bee hoon.

kena cheated orange juice. its called lychee with orange juice. i thought it was fresh orange juice. mana tau, it is twister orange juice. =.="""

"where are you?!" 
"on the way! on the way!"

we came to this river, rest a while. dapao'ed some food and headed back to the hotel. 

anticipating for the next day... ^^

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