Monday, June 3, 2013

Team Outing

on the floor not even a month, and we have team outing d. thanks to the seniors who planned this. 

i woke up quite early and took my own sweet time to get ready. need to pick 2 girls up, and one of them woke up late. lol... 

and last minute, i am designated to pick my TL as well... 

was driving gin-kun so all the way it was set to auto-cruise. damn nice ah~ 

our car was the first to reached, so we decided to go have lunch near by. i forgot what was the restaurant called, its a muslim chinese cooking restaurant. and... ohh myy goddd... their butter chicken was superb! but still cant replace the chicken status in me. the one i had in vietnam is still the best. 

so while we were eating and chilling, slowly other teammates reporting that they have arrived. 

we rented a bungalow. which the beach is just few minutes walk away. 

the bungalow... its... kinda dodgy... but i guess it doesnt matter la. wanna have fun and makan and minum oni wat. 

there's 2 bbq pits and a gazebo outside the bungalow. 

once we arrived, we quickly grabbed our spot and slept. hahaha! and by the time i woke up, i was the only one left in the room. :P
outside the bungalow

everyone was preparing for the bbq, sitting around, smoking, and even started drinking alre!


so i was sitting around as well, chit chatting with the others. 


not long later, we decided to hang at the beach...

remember i said it was a walking distant? well... we drove anyways. haha... 

it is located near a villa. i kinda like that villa. looked cozy. 

while some of them are enjoying bathing in the sea, some of us just walk around the beach. i wanted to collect seashells, but i dont have anything to keep them. :(


at one point, a malay guy came up to us, and told us that there is a drain connected to the sea. and it will discharge dirty water to the sea. i think those water comes from the villa. well... those who went bathing in the sea... was actually... near the drainage. T.T

ewww... T.T

once they heard what the malay guy told us, they swam to the shore damn fast! faster than speed boat! and walked away... far far away and went in again so they can wash it off...

after some time, and after contributing food to the mosquitoes, we went back to the bungalow. 

they were starting up the fire for bbq~ ^^

there was only lamb and chicken and spaghetti and garlic bread.

i usually dont eat capsicum. but this was awesome! ALL the food was being prepare by our TSL. and all of it is damn yummy! 

the garlic butter, was made from scratch. ok la, the butter is normal butter, but the spices he add in himself. :O

after feeding ourselves with food, they started a game called 'i am god'. but after few rounds, i had to make a move alre. i didnt want to stay over nite and i was in charged to send 2 girls back to KL. 

overall, i did enjoyed myself. enjoyed the good food. there's another team outing soon but i am not joining... hope there is next time. :P

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