Friday, October 14, 2011

BIG BAD naughty WOLF

had quite a bad day ystd but today was great!

morning was woken up by my alarm. stupidly didnt turned it off the night before. =.=" and then jessi called but i didnt answer. and then saw fb jessi replied my status update that she will go BBW with me! wheee~~~

but i slept back... :P

so, we went and collect my health report. well, not a good result. i guess i better watch my diet alre.

then, KTV was canceled. initial booking was 8pm but they made a mistake cos groupon redemption's last booking shud be 6pm. so they called jessi and told her their mistake and we canceled it cos i wanna go BBW so so so badly!

headed towards serdang. and i found the wrong way! typical direction idiot! but then, jessi found the right way then we headed to Wolfiee~

books books books! i cant find lesbian erotica that krys bought and i cant find any jodi picoult's book. :(
still manage to get 3 books. trying to control like mad not to get more cos... there's so many books left untouched in a box at home. hehe...

met up with a friend, FSC 1st time there. apparently she was waiting for her sister to be done and she walked ard with me a little while. chatted a little, quite a nice person. :) at 6pm, she left cos she need to look for her sister and head home already.

after BBW, we headed back to subang. which, again... i took the wrong way. *sulks*

went for dinner in ajisen ramen in pyramid. and boy... i really dont like their attitude!
when we arrived, we didnt know where to sit, they showed us a 4 seater table, but we ended up picking the 2 seater table. at the end, after we ordered, we figured out our table is not gonna fit. so we requested to change table. "just now ask u sit that table you dont wan..."

wtf? where i wanna sit, i like la!~

anyways, after dinner. we went rounding a bit to smoke and then head home.

loots from BBW! i oni bought 3 books. hehe~ 

back to work tmrw. hopefully its gonna be a great one!

oh. kluang trip is canceled. so the only trip for me to look fwd to is on january. *waits*

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