Thursday, June 3, 2010


im awfully disturbed now.

how can people be so heartless these days? even if people using death to cheat u, if u helped, u're doing a good deed... your brain is stucked in your ass or something?

im talking about BHP workers.

and in case if u guys dont know wtf im talking about... im gonna put some articles here...

First is the article from Malay Mail...
Witness watches helplessly as woman burns to death in accident
KUALA LUMPUR: Lorry driver Abdul Halim Awang watched helplessly as a woman screamed for help in her burning car along Jalan Cheras this morning.

Still trembling and voice choking, Abdul Halim recalled his first instinct was to rush towards the Perodua Myvi that had burst into flames. But the intense heat forced him to keep his distance.

"I can still hear her scream. It is heart-wrenching that I could do nothing to help that poor woman. My lorry was right behind her Myvi and, therefore, I was closest. But the flames consumed the car within seconds," said Abdul Halim.

"I could see her struggling and even heard her screams fade away. There were two others who tried to help but couldn't do anything. It will take a long time for me to recover from this."

In the incident, two others were seriously injured when their car veered and crashed into the Myvi travelling in the opposite direction. This occurred on the flyover along Jalan Cheras heading towards Jalan Loke Yew.

Abdul Halim, whose lorry was also hit, is a key witness to the accident.

It was learnt Cheng Kar Jin 17, who was driving a Toyota Vios, and his female friend Cheng Yoke Ying 17, were headed towards Jalan Loke Yew.

"The Vios hit the Myvi headon. The collision forced the Myvi to crash backwards against my lorry and it spun a few times before coming to a stop," added Abdul Halim.

Yusrimi Aziz, 36, and one more witness who only wanted to be known as Zam even brought out small extinguishers but it was in vain.

The victim could not be identified as the body was burnt beyond recognition and personal identification documents were destroyed in the fire.

Second will be from the witness with more pictures...

Third will be from the witness who seeked help but no success...
FUCK BHP!!!!! FUCK BHP!!! why? let me tell you!!

this morning approx 3.20am, at Cheras Tmn Pertama roundabout,

saw a freak accident, involving a Vios, Myvi and a Lorry.

im one the first badge who arrive, mean it just happen maybe seconds ago.

Vios believe to be turtle and badly damaged. When im passing by the vios, rear passenger started to pull out the front driver and front passenger.

then when i pass the Myvi, the car was totally sardine. Heard one girl was yelling cos piined inside. I stop my car then run towards the myvi to offer a hand while calling 999 emergency line to request for ambulance and bomba.

then saw fire spark at the engine bay of myvi. while still on the phone with emergency line to provide more details, i run back to my car and drive to BHP station which is just less than 500m away from the scene.

then i request for the fire extingusher from the attendant which is kept inside. There was 4 extingusher on the ground. But the attendant refuse to pass to me.

the BHP attendant claimed dat the door cant be open.

then i shout at him, i need it! i want it! someone is pinned inside the car and its started to burn!

then the BHP attendant keep repeating he kenot borrow and open the door.

then i was like WTF! if ur kiosk is burning can u come out? then he replied yes.

then he still say he kenot open the door. Then he say his boss wont allowed to borrow. WTF!!!

then i started to amuk kicking the kiosk and punching the glass of the kiosk.

i even throw my IC to him say that if im dun return u report police.

i saw i borrow.. if i use it i will pay for it. then he keep on just smile at me.

then he ask another partner to come out. Then i start shouting and yelling at them with bad words saying dat if the girl dies you two are the murderer.

then the 2nd BHP attendant shout back at me.

i demand for their names, i told them i would complain bout them,

then the 2nd attendant copy down my number plate and said that all my acts been recorded on CCTV and he gonna report to police tumoro. I challenged him.

then i drove off back to the scene.. the car was totally burning and the poor girl was burn alive inside.

then i spoke to the Bomba and PDRM how many casualties was inside. they told me one girl.

Then i spoke to PDRM about the incident happen in BHP.. then the policemen also scold with anger WTF with them.. if i could get the fire extingushier.. the girl might be saved.

then the Policemen ask me to go police station to report a cover about the BHP, and he assured me that the stupid BHP wont get to report on me.

Personally i would like to ask, how much does 4 fire extingusher cost? isit more expensive than a life?

would like to ask the BHP petrol station's boss! u cant afford to lose 4 fire extingusher then u better closed down your station!!!! Fuck you boss!!!!

and this is to BHP MALAYSIA!! seens your procedure to keep all safety gadget inside the kiosk... if anything happen during refueling... is your attendant gonna open the door to help? seens he claimed that the door cant be open after hours??


i personally from now on will boycott BHP... i dont know how about you all!!!

gonna give BHP HQ a call tumoro... see what the fuck will they say about this kind of safety measurement they have!!!!!

for the two BHP attendant!!! you are the murderer!!!!!

so, question is, BHP only hires stupid people? even the world these days stopped us being nice person to give a helping hand, but it really is matter of life. your life is precious, what about others?

i know some of u may say that there is no point attacking the brand and it is the attendants at fault. yea. true. it is said, when u work for a company, it is u yourself carrying the brand on u... u represents that company/brand. so if u did not carry that well, then it is the brand in jeopardy. so what will the company do? that, i really want to know. having murderers in your company...

now the girl has no identification at all... reading about people feeling helpless cant help the screaming girl who was stucked in the car just upsets me. so heart wrenching...

worst still when there is one tiny hope, one and only hope to safe that girl... the BHP attendant said that HIS BOSS WONT ALLOW TO BORROW.

so, BHP BOSS... what say u?

Although the girl's identity has yet being recognise, to her family, i'm sorry that this has to happen to your family. God bless...

=== edit ===

More info from...

Quoting :-
BHP government relations manager Abdul Kaiyum when contacted claimed that the BHP attendants refused to open the door for Teo as he was not ‘acting calmly’ when asking for assistance. Neither did they refer to their supervisor because it was past midnight.

In defence of the staff in charge, he said that the two of them previously had been attacked and beaten up by assailants while on duty at the station. Abdul Kaiyum said that BHP would hold a press conference over the matter this coming Monday, June 7.

now. seriously. how to act calm when a girl is dying? that guy is alone and there is 2 attendants. scared wat? scared their balls being cut off ah??

how big is the fire extinguser? cant the just open a small gap to pass to him?? wtf!
weird. bernama's report says Vios driver is 33 y/o... and BHP do not wanna hold a press conference anymore. wow...

girl has been identified
Florina ak Joseph, 27, a Sarawakian native and a student. - RIP


excalade89 said...

Don't blame the people, blame the game. Blame the system. Don't just type through emotions. I went through it and think at the same time.

I also posted about this topic as well. Do come and read :)

Ken Wooi said...

so sad to hear such news.. so sorry for the victim =(