Monday, May 31, 2010


what is stickiness? are u the sticky type? how sticky are u?

i came across someone's blog and i find that the more sticky u r... it just proves that u r obssessiveee...

cmon girl, face it. u r fucking obsessed.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ROM and Bali

unfortunately, the ROM was not mine. its my colleague's... her ROM was on friday but most of us were working so we didnt turn up for the ROM. however, she did organised ROM buffet on saturday.

after my morning shift on saturday, me and mervin followed kit's car towards puchong cos me and merv have no idea where is it. on the way, we meet up with isaac and yvonne and continue our route towards bandar puteri to fetch traina. 6 of us then ended one of the earliest there...

rainbow~ such a nice start for the nite... :)

not long after, me and kit went out to lead cheryl and samson, and then amber, kenneth and also annie.

after eating and drinking, tass mummy arrived with her hubby and her baby girl, zara~ that little girl is so darn cute~

this is the 1st company/team i work with and grew to have really close relationship with.

we watched each other grow cos all of us came in to this team with zero knowledge. then now all improved and sometimes they teach me back instead. =.= listening to all complains be it regarding family and friends or between team mates, annoying each other to the max but knowing that we still can rely on each other. and now... watching one of our team mate getting married legally (they have not gone through the chinese tradition yet).

part of the team... we screamed non stop for mervin's name but end up he still didnt came over for this pic... we all though he left without informing us but... it turns out that... that idiot went behind some bush talking on the phone... =.=

part of the team + some from other teams...

congrats A and R~

after the buffet dinner, we went to halo bali in sunway. there was 9 of us and we opened 2 bottles of glenmorangie.

well, i personally dont like clubbing. i only like drinking so i only drank. danced just a lil bit... and then took care of one of my colleague who was pissed drunk alre. :P

went to the mamak near by to sober up a lil and then headed home.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

You are the floral-fragrance type

just took a quiz and this is my result... =.=

You always give others a feeling of optimisim, enthusiasm and facing challenges head-on. You also give an impression of being gentle, thoughtful, and great at managing inter-personal relationship. Others feel that a person like you are strong, yet vulnerable. Your caring nature and ability to accept and forgive, makes you more charming and trustworthy. You always let others think that you are someone who doesn’t say “no”, and it’s easy to be used by people who are dependent and self-centred. These people get close to you because of your attentiveness and easygoing nature, in order to make use of you.

really ah?

Accident at Jalan Gasing! #kltraffic

Van fell in drain... Bomba n police arrived... -_-"

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Friday, May 14, 2010

kena saman

i was driving and i was on the phone with bigcow to discuss about THE vacation.

and the police nicely drove in front of me and stopped me. he walked towards my car as i wind down my window...

Police : kenapa guna handphone?
Me : sebab tak reti jalan. tengah tanya jalan...
(hehe... yea. i lied... but malaysia where for sympathy wan la, rite?)
Police : oh. ye ke? lesen ngan IC.
(handed over IC and License)
Polie : kenapa tak guna handsfree? beli handsfree macam saya punya la.
(proudly showing off his seemed newly bought bluetooth earphone device)
Me (looked impressed) : ohhhhhhh...
Police : i kena saman u tau...
Me : ye, tau. ok.
Police : saman, kena bayar RM300 tau.
Me : oh. ok...
Police : saman kena bayar kat *i dont know where but something something bandaraya*
Me : oh. ok. mana tu?
Police : mana pun tak tau? nanti tak bayar, kena waran tangkap tau?
Me : ohh... tapi, kena saman jugak kan?
Police : ye la. kena saman... nak saman?
Me : oh... ok...
Police : nak settle sini?
(AHAH! finally! tunjuk belang alre!!)
Me : settle? macam mana settle?
Police : kalau saman, rm300. kalau settle sini, sikit saje.
Me : oh. ye ke? macam mana nak settle?
Police : settle sini sikit saje...
(wah lau. i ask how to settle so many times alre, still dun wanna tell how much. stupid or what??!!)
Me : settle berapa?
Police : RM 50 je.
(took out one BIG piece of RM50 and handed to him)
Me : Nah
Police (not accepting the Rm50) : lipat kecik kecik, lipat...
Me : ohh...
(folded the note smaller and handed to him at the same time he handed my IC and License to me. using the same hand. it is like swapping item using same hand...)
Police : ok. lain kali jgn guna handphone tau. guna handsfree.

this is the 1st time i kena saman... ahhh~ after 1 yr plus getting my car. hehe... hopefully no next time lerrrr~ ^^

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Hehe... The bottle is for drinking water. The small mug bought for daiso, the curve is for coffee. The huge ass mug is pressie from US. N this is my first time using it. Now i can dapau drinks like dis d! :D

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dear Stephanie

yesterday and today, i flipped back through my old blog posts... and i came across this post...

and i realised that, it is her birthday today...

reading back that post made me feel so sour all over again...

this yr marks the 12th year she has left all of her dearest ones.

i am in fact still bitter about not being able to meet up with her before she left us. the last time i saw her was during primary school days. which... i do not remember much anymore. everything thing is so blurry now.

i guess we all naturally take things for granted. take time for granted. subconsciously... we all do. and like what people say, when we loss something only we will realise.

happy birthday steph...

Cute cute bian dang box

Colleagues lunch box. Cute bear bear... :D

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Like To Eat Seafood Restaurant @ Bandar Puteri, Puchong

there were whole bunch of us looked fwd for this crabbie session and it has finally arrived!

initially we wanted to try the ever famous Tak Fook Hong Kong Seafood Restaurant. but later on we realised that my colleague's mom and her god-mother opened a seafood restaurant as well, right in front of Tak Fook Hong Kong Seafood restaurant.

food was pretty awesome.

this is something sotong with shrimp. one of their special dish. i know it looked like curry but it is not! and the taste is freaking awsome! if u wanna order this, u can just print out this post and show them, "nah! i wan this!"
ok. i forgot most of the dishes name cos it is their famous dishes so that's why i am not a food blogger. bwahahaha... *blush*

this is stir fried vege with lotus root. very nice. i didnt take much tho. cos i was busy targeting on seafoods instead. :D

this is a special dish also. this is pork with milk. ok. i forgot the dish name again. but this dish, it has pork, and it is cooked with milk. and it taste fabulous with Deep Fried Man Tou.

how can u not order fish when u r having seafood? i dont know about others, but fish is a must have for me cos i am crazy over fish. this is Teo Chew styled steamed fish. well, sadly... i still think the one in singapore is nicer. sighs...

and now... on to our main purpose of this makan session... the 4 kingssss! the 4 crabssssss we ordered...

when asked by the lady what crab we want, one of my colleague answered very quickly. "salted egg crab!".

update (12 July 2014)
dont know why my pictures are missing. so i removed the remaining content of this entry. i think its time to update some dishes. :)

24 & 26, Jalan Puteri 2/5,
Bandar Puteri, Puchong,
47100, Puchong,
03-8068 3882