Monday, February 8, 2010

New Formosa Restaurant @ SS2 - The Meat Lover Kakiz Debut

This is a new group that my colleague formed. the Meat Lover Kakiz.

i think they went to somewhere before lor. but this is the 1st time joining them. and this time its at new formosa restaurant located in ss2. it's quite easy to be found as it is facing the main road and i used to stay behind that row of shops.

the route that i've used was on LDP, direction from puchong towards pj, at the kelana jaya station, keep left. do not go up the fly over. then, at the traffic light, turn right. and then at the traffic light, turn left. by now u should see tmn bahagia LRT station on your right. go all the way straight, u'll see crossed junction with traffic light. turn left. go a lil up hill and u'll see a traffic light, turn right. right after the shop houses, turn left... all the way to the end, turn left again. den turn left again. basically, just find your way to the front row of the shops lah, cos it is one way only... and walah~ u're there. if my directions is too confusing, sorry ah. there's always google maps or OVI maps. :)

let's not waste time on babbling so much.

we started of with yu sang. what is cny without yu sang? not cny yet but ah... this is my 1st yu sang this yr ~T.T~

- yummilicious yu sang -

- just look at the piece of salmon -

new formosa is actually famous for their suckling piglet. and need to book earlier. our group president booked it earlier alre. ^^

- oink oink -

- the crispy layer -

ze prawn~

- butter prawn -

next dish is called 'mah lat tou fu'. im not a big fan of mah lat dishes but all of them said its nothing to hoo-hah about wor...

- mah lat tou fu -

this sesame seed fried chicken is not bad. the chicken is very soft practically melts in your mouth. u wont be able to see the seeds but as u see closely u will. they said can taste the sesame wor. but to me... it's any ordinary fried chicken. tho i like the soft tenderness of the chicken meat. ^^

- sesame seed fried chicken -

next dish, is a dish to die for. it was so damn good, we ordered 2 plates. this dish comes with performance by the waiter. the joyness of seeing the sticky caramel... oh my~~ we wanted sweet potato but sweet potato finish alre but they have alternative of yam. which is also damn good!

- yam covered with some caramel and sesame thingie -

enjoy the little performance by them. cant really see the stickiness tho. must see properly ah. :P

so there u have it. all the food and people who attended are :-

from left :- andy, alex, jack, lela, puche, vonvon, jessi... and the empty space is me. :P

service and what-not : service wise i think its kinda bad. cos when we wanna order the caramel yam again, at first the waitress said that it is finish already. well. what can we say? we rest our case. but then not long later, she came back to us and say sorry, just not the chef was too busy. thats why... we were stunned like. wtf? we are ok at finish already. but how can u tell your customer that u r too busy? then we started joking loudly, hmm, yea. we are busy to pay bill la. :X
environment wise, the chair is not that comfy and the restaurant is too packed. either reduce the seats or expand your shop la.
other than that... im ok with it. oh.. and toilet is quite clean. squat wan.


Nicholas-Ng said...

seems like so tasty :D

Charles said...

Ur photo taking skill is great..make the food look so yummylicious

Lil Ms Thong said...

nicholas : a must order is the caramel sweet potato/yam. very nice!

charles : erm. that would me photo skill (angle) and photoshop skill (brightness/contrast/etc etc). :P

Baby said...

video cannot see.

pink+purple dollar said...

never call ppl to eat T.T

Lil Ms Thong said...

Baby, sorry. i'll upload in YT... cos this one i upload in FB wan. seems like cant embed. T.T

PPD, aih. makan with colleagues ma. and big cow is my colleague's ex colleague.

Anonymous said...

More prawn for me :)