Thursday, September 10, 2009

Small Cow = Blur Cow

yea... the blur cow is at it again.

i wanted to make my payment for my hotel as baby is coming again *yay!*

so when i reached for my bag, trying to look for my wallet... it's not there! i searched high and low at home and in my car. and even PM'ed my colleague in MSN to check for me in office. but. apparently... nowhere to be seen. sighs...

eLLehciM says:
kit kittttt
Entp-Kit says:
eLLehciM says:
can u check
on my desk
everywhere on my desk
got my wallet?
pink in color.
i think i lost it
Entp-Kit says:
eLLehciM says:
the left side on the file got or not
Entp-Kit says:
no woh
eLLehciM says:
fuck lorhhh
Entp-Kit says:
u left it in the car?
eLLehciM says:
going to check now
Entp-Kit says:
eLLehciM says:
dont have
Entp-Kit says:
then i dont know
u been to anywhere ?
eLLehciM says:
cant remember
Entp-Kit says:
eLLehciM says:
the only time i bring out my wallet is in the office
to pay that hotel...
Entp-Kit says:
in the hotel ?
eLLehciM says:
no no
online booking
Entp-Kit says:
later i ask kakak got pick up wallet or not
cause i dont think many ppl pass ur place xept me tass cheryl or kakak
unless u drop it when u pay parking
eLLehciM says:
refreshing memory... 8th, 5am i pay hotel. but card rejected... ystd morning, i bring out wallet and key in again... but that was at home...
hilang at home??
Entp-Kit says:
what about parking
eLLehciM says:
after ystd i dont remember bringing out my wallet anymore
cos usually all my rm1 is at the front compartment of my bag
Entp-Kit says:
then i dontk now
eLLehciM says:
ok... u r definitely gonna slap me....
it was slipped and... it.. was... underneath... my.....
Entp-Kit says:
**here he enters rows of slapping emoticon...**

eLLehciM says:
i very blur
i know
Entp-Kit says:
tomorrow i working night with u and azhar
tomorrow night only kick u

yep... i am THAT blur.

big cow, dont call me small cow anymore. call me blur cow pls.


Unknown said...

must book hotel ka? ur house cannot meh?

BlurCo said...

amy amy... cannot la. my hse got grandma...

Unknown said...

oooh wonder