Tuesday, September 8, 2009

One year...

today officially marks the 1st yr im in this company. and im actually very proud of myself. 1st job that lasted me 1 year and still keeping it going...

before i found this job, i was constantly hopping job due to childish reasons. i love this job for certain reasons. i love the environment here and the people here. politics here... is not as bad. and i have yet to get myself into any. thank god for that. despite friction happens once in a while. but interaction between 2 people will never be perfect. there must be some misunderstanding and bitchiness in us. well, a lovely couple can have arguments, why not colleagues? :)

the environment here is great. in the sense that, you look forward to come to work. u r free to do as u wish as long as u get your job done, follow the process and dont make customer pissed. unlimited coffee! and biscuits! there this particular biscuit i love and kakak will always tease me to finish that bucket of biscuits. =.=

the people here. well, most of them that is. there's this... family feeling like. this is what i call working like a family. there is complaints here and there about each other's team. but cmon, which working place do not have complaints?

the working time. everybody knows. more like... most of us... are not morning person. this job, i do not always need to work morning shift! yea, afternoon and midnite shift really sometimes made u a person with no life. but hey... u love ur job, u wont mind.

up till this date, i do not have any intention to leave. although from the day i started working here, i see a lot of colleagues leaving one by one. even the recent incident that happened to me in office, a few people asked me to leave as it is not worth it to fight some more here. it didnt cross my mind to leave. although i am very disappointed, but i didnt wanna leave. why leave when there is so many good reasons to stay but just one incident upsets me?


Nüra Sigurros said...

I read your latest post. Sigh. Long distance relationships are tough, I agree. It takes a lot more dedication and discipline which only makes them that much more special. The little time spent with each other seem so precious that just being able to hold hands or have dinner with each other makes you feel like the happiest person in the world. It takes a long time to get used to it and learn your own unique ways of coping with the distance. I use Skype video calls a lot - it makes me feel a little better. I hope you guys will continue to pull through. :)

BlurCo said...

hi there. thanks a lot eh. hmmm... it is difficult. moreover both are the types w/o sense of security. we're still holding on. :)

we only depening on called and text for now... hopefully things will get better and hope rainbow will be out soon. :)


abbie san said...

gambateh mich!! how i wish to go ur place to work... lol..maybe next year this time around.. let me gather up my power from here first.haaha...!! as for your r/s ... it will sometimes hurts u ...sometimes brings u joy.. sometimes u juz duwan to give a fuck.. but somehow u do know that whether she is the one or not.. if you really feel like spending everyday with her..hold on to her... dun let go easily... okie? hugs!

BlurCo said...

bie bie~
thank u... :)