Friday, August 28, 2009


i am back at working midnite shift. yay!!

when i arrived, the afternoon shifts were still at work, and i PM'ed him. and part of the conversation goes like...

A : ah! i missed my train again!
M : nevermind la. got another round wat. just need to wait lo.
A : ya. but that last train very seram... (Seram means eerie)
M : oh ya. true. chinese calender now is ghost month.
A : but. if pretty ghost, nevermind la. can.
M : =.=""""

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sesame Street Craze

ok. i never watched Sesame Street before. ever. none. yada. yilek... then today, i suddenly went crazy started to youtube their clips. and now i know why everybody went crazy for elmo. cos he is really bloody cute!

den if im not mistaken, some time back, baby told me about this song...

hmmm... its nice eh...

elmo being notti and made prank calls...

Sunday, August 23, 2009


i talking about my mind. blank...

i dunno what to blog these days. dont know what to say...

all i know what to do these days is just work. sighs...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Five Love Language

We know love is love... But how u express them? and how u like your partner to express love to u?

Words of Affirmation
Quality Time
Receiving Gifts
Acts of Service
Physical Touch

Source from here...

here is something if u dont know which one u fall into...
Click Here

And this... is my result...
Words of Affirmation - 17%
Quality Time - 23%
Receiving Gifts - 7%
Acts of Service - 13%
Physical Touch - 40%

physical touch and quality time... now i know why i feel shitty...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Char Siew and Hakka Noodle...

about few weeks ago i was working at midnite shift. and when i got back, my aunt was at home, baby sitting my grandma... grandma fell b4 that and needed more TLC. :D

anyways, when i got home, they said they wanna have breakfast and aunt recommended me this restaurant.

it was in Sunway Mas. when we arrived, it was quite packed with people. and the floor was too slippery. even i myself almost fell.

look at the rows of char siews... :D

the char siews are yummy! it is very honey-ish... yums...

Hakka Noodle

Wan Tan noodle

the pictures really sucked cos i was using my 5800 to snap. :(

overall the food is really good. really recommended. the only down side is the floor. seriously, it is really slippery...

here's the address... enjoy~
Restoran Famous Seremban Favourites
80-1 Ground Floor, Jalan PJU 1/3B
Sunway Mas Commercial Centre
47301 Petaling Jaya

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Proposal

was suppose to go for movie with bigcow but didnt make it. then suppose to take dinner with aunt and grandma, but i canceled... cos... i went and watch the proposal...

was rather random. i was already thinking to finish work, pack my stuff and head home and pinkpurpledollar (PPD) suddenly asked for zanmai. which she was craving for quite some time i believe... and out of random, we asked wendi33 wanna tag along or not.

i was quite tired due to a lady's monthly routine...

after work, headed to 1u. and met with ppd first... we decided to sit at zanmai while waiting for wendi33. dinner went well and talked and laugh a lot. luckily it didnt turned out awkward like how usual 1st time meet ups. :D

after dinner, we went for movies.

the movie was great. it was really funny and laughed alllllll the way. but the ending was quite predictable. blergh... hate predictable movies. definitely adding in my dvd collections so that when i'm upset, i can watch this. :P

after movies, we parted ways...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I read something somewhere... and it is SO expected. Tsk tsk tsk...

I had something horrible for lunch.

Never EVER order Sausage Pasta at Delifrace. Unless u LOVE to drink oil. Yes! OIL!!

I'm back to morning shift and I feel like dying.

I'm talking random stuffs... sheesh...